✨ Features
- Add instruction `addi` (3b5bc128)
- Add dynamic counterpart to tasm code generator (72b6f5bc)
- Introduce instruction `merkle_step_mem` (3b1e3590)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix arithmetic overflow in `MemoryRegion` (f83f8aa0)
📚 Documentation
- Add AIR circuit node count to arithmetization overview (c8436943)
- Add constraints overview table for AIR of degree 8 (ac98c22f)
- Add column counts for various degree lowering targets (c26cf9cc)
- Add dynamic AIR eval cost to overview (be9b4410)
⚙️ Miscellaneous
- Use types over anonymous tuples (4358acec)
- Qualify `air_constraint_evaluation_tasm` by staticity (1dc54cc2)
♻️ Refactor
- Reflect default arg in function name (171dfb2d)
- Add directory for logic related to AIR evaluation (0c0310df)
✅ Testing
- Verify that arguments, if any, can be changed (e55c2474)
- Deduplicate code using macros (592d7bfa)
- *(dyn air)* Verify that dynamic and static evaluators agree (574e407d)
- Add example program for `merkle_step_mem` (d9edddd4)