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Q5.3: Progress

Kristin Agcaoili edited this page May 8, 2018 · 8 revisions

Week 5: Progress Update

May 7, 2018

In the past five weeks since the start of the quarter, we have finished majority of our Unity project changes. A list of completed, in-progress, and yet to be started tasks can be seen below. Overall, we are keeping up with our timeline in most areas. We are on track for finishing Oculus integration, but we are behind on finishing our website. We are currently in the process of establishing the web server and are continuing to work on website changes. Once Oculus integration is finished, we should be able to focus our efforts on the website and the submission process.


  • Replaced the circular lever motion to be a slider motion instead due to user testing suggestions.
  • On the year list, we flipped the years around to show the most recent year on the top to make it easier to navigate the list.
  • Set the start position of the spaceship to be further back in the orbit circle so that the users have time to process the change in environment. As we found through user testing, people usually missed the first planet that appeared so we attempt to mitigate that.
  • Positioned the planet info menu to be in more intuitive position and closer to the planet it is describing.
  • Implemented image threading to improve loading time. While search results responds relatively quickly even for large categories, year switching continues to have a large lag spike.
  • We designed a logo for VR Universe and added it to the floor of the spaceship.
  • Replaced the spaceship model to be an fbx model instead of a blender model to enhance development.
  • Added the VR Club at UCSD logo to the back of the spaceship.
  • Changed the file path system to include separation of HTC Vive and Oculus Rift projects.
  • Added reset button to the category panel.
  • Panels now disappear at the start of hyperspeed and reappear at the end of hyperspeed.
  • Populated the search results panel to have all the planets listed when the user first loads the application, allowing users to see all the projects in list form in the beginning.
  • Added a more prominent and clearer exit button to the planet info menu.
  • The year panel shows the number of planets inside the year.
  • The category panel shows the number of planets that contain the particular category.
  • Implemented a tutorial system.
  • Textured the floor of the spaceship so that it differentiates itself from the panels.
  • Changing our button designs, specifically the color.

In Progress

  • Merging in the Oculus Rift integration with the latest changes of master branch.
  • Obtaining a web server to host our website in the UCSD platform.

Back Log

  • Fix the broken executables.
  • Test VR Universe on multiple computers.
  • Website design and backend.

Visual Changes

Button Color Exit

We changed the colors of the buttons from blue to white for clarity and added an exit button to supplement as a form of exit.


We hide the panels when the user enters hyperspeed and they reappear once the hyperspeed is over.

Initial Search Results

We show all the planets in the search results panel when the user first loads up the application instead of showing it as empty. This allows people to look at all the projects at once.


We made a VR Universe logo and added it to the floor of the spaceship. We also added the VR Club logo on the spaceship and added a texture to the floor.


We added a reset button to the category manager so that people can reset the categories instead of manually selecting all the tags to deselect. We also added numbers with the categories to show how many planets/projects are with each category.


We added numbers with the years to show how many planets/projects are with each year.


We created a new tutorial system to guide the users through the lever, years, categories, and search results.

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