This a MERN stack app which allows a user to select his/her desirable seats for any movie show listed and buy the same without paying any actual money.
Steps to Run the App
- First open the project in vs-code and open the terminal with "assessment" as the root folder.
- Now go into the backend folder by typing "cd backend/" in the terminal.
- Now, install the dependencies first by typing, "npm i" in the terminal.
- Create a ".env" in the backend folder, and include your MongoDB Altlas connection url in the file by typing, "MONGODB_ATLAS_URL = [Your URL goes here]" and also add the Database name like this, "DB_NAME=[Database name goes here]".
- Now run "nodemon index.js" in the terminal, this will start the backend server.
- You will have to add some documents in the DB created from MongoDB Atlas itself, in the format {name: "[MovieName goes here]", occupiedIndices: {}}.
- Now open another terminal and cd into the frontend folder and again do perform "npm i".
- Now, run npm start, and the app has started on port 3000, you can access from this url "http://localhost:3000/"