Minecraft Mod. Abstraction Layer (but not really)™ for Blay's multiplatform mods.
This is a library mod that allows Blay's mods to be built for both Forge and Fabric without needing separate codebases.
Add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url "https://www.cursemaven.com" }
dependencies {
// Replace ${balm_file_id} with the id of the file you want to depend on.
// You can find it in the URL of the file on CurseForge (e.g. 3914527).
// Forge: implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:balm-531761:${balm_file_id}")
// Fabric: modImplementation "curse.maven:balm-fabric-500525:${balm_file_id}"
Add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url "https://maven.twelveiterations.com/repository/maven-public/"
content {
includeGroup "net.blay09.mods"
dependencies {
// Replace ${balm_version} with the version you want to depend on.
// You may also have to change the Minecraft version in the artifact name.
// You can find the latest version for a given Minecraft version at https://maven.twelveiterations.com/service/rest/repository/browse/maven-public/net/blay09/mods/balm-common/
// Common (mojmap): implementation "net.blay09.mods:balm-common:${balm_version}"
// Forge: implementation fg.deobf("net.blay09.mods:balm-forge:${balm_version}")
// Fabric: modImplementation "net.blay09.mods:balm-fabric:${balm_version}"
If you're interested in contributing to the mod, you can check out issues labelled as "help wanted".
When it comes to new features, it's best to confer with me first to ensure we share the same vision. You can join us on Discord if you'd like to talk.
Contributions must be done through pull requests. I will not be able to accept translations, code or other assets through any other channels.