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Tyler Yep edited this page Jun 28, 2020 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the WolfBot Wiki!

The project executes the following steps:

Night Falls

  • Assign roles to each player. Each player knows their original role at the start.
  • Night falls, and role switching, stealing, and peeking occurs. Players gain more information.


  • Everyone wakes up and discussion begins.
  • Players go in a circle and give statements. Other players can interject if they want, but otherwise there is one complete go-around. After that the order is randomized (players choose when they want to speak up).
  • Each player can reveal as much information as they want, but all players must give their primary statement (I am role X and did Y.) by the end of the statement round.
  • All players may lie - evil players must lie conceal their identity, while good players can lie to expose evil players or to learn more information.
  • All players have access to the all solvers & prediction engines, which work on both complete and partial sets of statements.
    • Solvers determine the maximum number of consistent statements that can be true at the same time (fact-checking).
    • Prediction Engines convert SolverStates into prediction lists, guessing when there is incomplete information.


  • After discussion ends, all players must vote on who the Wolf is.
    • Evil players do not vote for Wolves, so they instead vote for any other player. They cannot verbally communicate who they intend to vote for ahead of time, but they still might figure out a way to all vote for the same player.
    • If there are no Wolves, everyone should vote for the person to their right (or otherwise make all players receive one vote each).
  • The votes are tallied and the winning team is determined according to the game rules.
  • Statistics for many games are calculated to determine Player success.
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