San Diego Coastkeeper MPA Datasheet web application developed with PHP + Laravel 4 framework.
###Using additional packages:
- PHPExcel for exporting Excel sheets
- Carbon for dates. Get it?
- Asset Pipeline for, well, asset pipelining.
- Laravel Cors for CORS support for mobile app.
###Javascript dependencies:
- jQuery for everything
- D3.js for awesome charts
- Datepicker for bootstrap compatible datepicker
###UI Frameworks:
- Bootstrap for admin side
Assuming default installation paths. ###Windows
- Download and install XAMPP from
- Inside C:/xampp/apache/conf, open httpd.conf and change
- DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs" to DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/ckmpa/public"
- <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs"> to <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/ckmpa/public">
- Inside C:/xampp/phpMyAdmin, open and change
- $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; to $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
- After you are added as collaborator to UCSD-TIES on Github, from either the graphical Github interface or the command line:
- git clone
- If you are using git via command line, clone inside xampp/htdocs
- If you are using graphical Github interface, clone it and make a symlink to the ckmpa folder inside xampp/htdocs from the commandline
mklink /D ckmpa C:\Users\\(User)\Documents\GitHub\ckmpa
- Open XAMPP Control Panel and start both Apache and MySQL modules
- Click Admin for MySQL (or visit localhost/phpmyadmin) and login as username root with no password
- Under General Settings in the main page, change password to ck
- Click Databases on top and create a database named coastkeeper
- Click the coastkeeper database that you just created then click import on top
- Import ck.sql from inside ckmpa directory with default settings
- Login to the application by visiting localhost or localhost/admin on a browser with
- username: ck
- password: testing
- Download and install XAMPP from
- Inside /Applications/XAMPP/etc/conf, open httpd.conf and change
- DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs" to DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/ckmpa/public"
- <Directory "/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs"> to <Directory "/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/ckmpa/public">
- Inside /Applications/XAMPP/phpMyAdmin, open and change (may need sudo to edit)
- $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; to $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
- After you are added as collaborator to UCSD-TIES on Github, from the command line in /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs:
git clone
sudo chown -R daemon:daemon ckmpa/app/storage
- Open XAMPP Control Panel and start both Apache and MySQL modules
- Visit localhost/phpmyadmin and login as username root with no password
- Under General Settings in the main page, change password to ck
- Click Databases on top and create a database named coastkeeper
- Click the coastkeeper database that you just created then click import on top
- Import ck.sql from inside ckmpa directory with default settings
- Restart Apache if it's already started in XAMPP Control Panel
- Login to the application by visiting localhost or localhost/admin on a browser with
- username: ck
- password: testing