** still under development
- Signal passing for callbacks
- make it browser compatible
- add basic security checks
- refactor encryption and decryption logic
- SRTP DTLS decryption ( IN PROGRESS)
- Implement state changes for ICE, DTLS, and WebRTC
- refactor implementation
- Complete DTLS finish message verification
- Threading
This project tries to implement a very minamal webrtc implementation without considering much about to learn and understand in depth how WebRTC works
It will make a WebRTC connection from another peer and send a stream in the simplest way possible
sending a basic video from webrtc scrach implementation to a Gstreamer WebRTC Client.
- git clone https://github.com/USAMAWIZARD/webrtc-from-scrach.git
- Run the following command to build the program:
Build Scrach WebRTC implementation
Build Gstreamer Client WebRTC
cd GstreamerClient
cd SignallingServer/
npm i
npm start
Once the receiver is started, run your program with the following command:
cd ./GstreamerClient
now WebRTC Scrach implementation Will send a video to Gstreamer Client.