Intro to SystemVerilog/Verilog for UWCS
Overall follow similar structure to es2e3, with added systemverilog. Also include an extra bit about FPGAs/design flow for them
- what is a HDL?
- basics of file structure and concept of modules
- wires, input, output
- structural verilog
- combinational verilog
- assign statements
- always block
- making a halfadder/fulladder
- conditional assignments
- logical operators
- ! and ~
- multibit signals
- making a FIFO?
- concatenation/replication
- number literals
- comparator example using bit signals
- combinational verilog
- behavioural verilog
- reg
- reg output
- always block
- procedural statements
- no multiple assignments in different blocks
- always blocks are concurrent
- if statement
- case statements
- decoder/multiplexor example
- reg
- latches & avoiding them
- sequential verilog (or synchronous verilog)
- SR and D latch examples
- concept of clocks
- posedge
- read just before
- written just after
- nonblocking vs blocking
- counter
- complex counter with up/down and load in count
- shift registers
- multibit signal example
- serial <-> parallel conversion
- memory
- testbenches
- bit type
- parameters
- generate
- 4-state logic
- logic
- uses
- FPGA design flow
- what gets synthesised
- some examples
- always block
- assignments
- modules
- some examples
- what gets synthesised
- seven seg display
- complex counter with up/down and load in count
- carry-lookahead adder
- VGA controller
- PATP or basic processor