Install all fonts included in the Fonts folder
Change fonts in Config.ini to the following :
; フォントレンダリングに使用するフォント名
; Font name used for font rendering.
FontName=廻想体 ネクスト UP B
; Boxの説明文のフォントレンダリングに使用するフォント名
; Font name used for font rendering.
BoxFontName=廻想体 ネクスト UP B
; Use " マキナス 4 Square " if you want to use the font used on the skin assets (but letters are wider and more blocky on it)
; Feel free to use only one of those fonts if you don't like one of them (both are blocky, the second one is more standard for English), Kaisoutai contains less kanji than Makinas.
; If you don't like both fonts, keep the default ones (MS Gothic), but keep in mind that the skin is built around the given fonts.
Menu SFX : Hitrison - https://hitrison.itch.io/menu-sfx-pack
In-Game textures :
- TJAPlayer3 Default skin (SimpleStyle)
- Freepik (starline / vector_corp / Harryarts) (Patterns)
- cien (@CienpixeL) (Nameplates, Rainbox result screen gauge, Drum textures, End game animations, Gogo splash animations)
- Waldo - https://pressstart.vip/assets (Tower and Dan result screen background and skyboxes)
- PNG Egg (Fireworks) (Non-commercial)
- Takkkom - https://github.com/Takkkom (AI Battle mode and 5P assets)
001 - cityscape : Makotora - https://soundcloud.com/xoxomakotora | Makotora#0001 (Chart by Makotora)
002 - Zerstören : Sukima Altera - https://youtube.com/c/SukimaAltera | https://www.twitter.com/SukimaAltera (Chart by bol (Except Hard) : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xESVf820-iIxnyEtRq7liqmC_0zCZGJA)
003 - Breaking Point : Yonokid - https://youtube.com/channel/UCQmfYbGGEaz-LMcFf6bNT_Q | https://twitter.com/yonokid (Chart by bol : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kocNOQrdsgKHjHTjMTAKPnHh7-WpNzDJ)
004 - Deceiving the Deceiver : H5 - https://linktr.ee/H5Music (Chart by 0AuBSQ & bol)
005 - WTF?! : Moox - https://soundcloud.com/themoox/wtf (Chart by Moox & bol)
006 - Athazagoraphobia : Derpikarp - https://youtube.com/channel/UCrURywBu-fDA5KQaDPc3GOg (Chart by Colin & bol)
007 - Gewissenbisse : Sukima Altera vs ALTERNATiVE THEORY - https://youtube.com/c/SukimaAltera | https://www.twitter.com/SukimaAltera (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
008 - DON'T LOOK BACK : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by bol)
009 - Deceiver : H5 - https://linktr.ee/H5Music (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
010 - BassBoL : InterChan - https://www.youtube.com/c/InterChan374 (Chart by bol)
011 - Liberation : DeBisco - https://soundcloud.com/debisco | https://twitter.com/debiscomusic (Chart by Colin & 0AuBSQ & bol)
012 - Deceiver's Terminus : H5 - https://linktr.ee/H5Music (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
013 - Corrupted Angel : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by bol)
014 - Startup Parade! : Ryuto Setsujin - https://youtube.com/c/ArGameOfficial (Chart by bol)
015 - White Heart : 9C feat. Cusi - https://youtube.com/channel/UCxx3wiFJxGwb_-tEePPa4RA (Chart by bol)
016 - Summer Overload! : Akako Hinami - https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/nnjSb (Chart by bol)
017 - Halcyon : Akako Hinami - https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/nnjSb (Chart by bol)
018 - Chasing the Wind : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu & bol)
019 - Back Where I'm From : NetroAki - https://soundcloud.com/netroaki | https://twitter.com/netroaki | https://instagram.com/netroaki | https://netroaki.audio/ (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
020 - Slayer of. : Aden Mayo - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXEd-dVZGZDf6plBmGd8cig (Chart by bol)
021 - Welcome To The Cafe : Sukima Altera feat. ALTERNATiVE THEORY - https://youtube.com/c/SukimaAltera | https://www.twitter.com/SukimaAltera (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
022 - Seismic Shake : DeBisco - https://soundcloud.com/debisco | https://twitter.com/debiscomusic (Chart by 0AuBSQ & bol)
023 - Stereotype : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko (Extreme) & 0AuBSQ (Easy, Normal, Hard))
024 - Rainy Night ~夢幻想~ : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 https://b23.tv/LBMw5Oz (Chart by Taichenko (Extreme) & 風に乗ってgo (Easy, Normal, Hard))
025 - Fearless : Ash Electric - https://linktr.ee/ashelectric (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
026 - Lost Emotion. : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu)
027 - Broken Metronome : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu (Extreme, Extra) & 0AuBSQ (Easy, Normal, Hard))
028 - Katharsis : 9C - https://youtube.com/channel/UCxx3wiFJxGwb_-tEePPa4RA (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
029 - 2-Steppin' Love : FUNKYZUKIN ft. Hatsune Miku - https://funkyzukin.bandcamp.com/album/2-steppin-love-single (Chart by colin, Extra by 0AuBSQ)
030 - 闇 : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by bol)
031 - mischief madness : Makotora - https://soundcloud.com/xoxomakotora | Makotora#0001 (Chart by Makotora)
032 - Re:Cøllapse : H888. (H5 + DashyDesu) - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu https://linktr.ee/H5Music (Chart by DashyDesu (Extreme) and bol (Easy, Normal, Hard))
033 - Alonebirthday : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko (Extreme), 0AuBSQ (Extra) and bol (Easy, Normal, Hard))
034 - The World of Our Past : DashyDesu & rainfall - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu https://soundcloud.com/user-698445934 (Chart by DashyDesu)
035 - ENDOMANCER : Zovi - https://zovi.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/zovi https://twitter.com/zovinoise (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
036 - RUiNED GLORY : Sukima Altera - https://youtube.com/c/SukimaAltera | https://www.twitter.com/SukimaAltera (Chart by bol (Except Extreme) and 0AuBSQ)
037 - Yukianesa ~Azure Of Ice~ : Sukima Altera - https://youtube.com/c/SukimaAltera | https://www.twitter.com/SukimaAltera (Chart by bol (Except Extreme) and 0AuBSQ)
038 - Dear Stars : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu)
039 - Forever Fading Away : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu, colin, bol, 0AuBSQ & Ryuto Setsujin)
040 - Every Night : DJ NEXTON - https://nexton.bandcamp.com (Chart by colin)
041 - beyond the cityscape : Makotora - https://soundcloud.com/xoxomakotora/beyond-the-cityscape (Chart by bol)
042 - Shockwave : Yonokid - https://youtube.com/channel/UCQmfYbGGEaz-LMcFf6bNT_Q | https://twitter.com/yonokid (Chart by bol)
043 - TRIPLE HELIX : Yonokid - https://youtube.com/channel/UCQmfYbGGEaz-LMcFf6bNT_Q | https://twitter.com/yonokid (Chart by colin & 0AuBSQ)
044 - Memory : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko (Extreme) and 0AuBSQ)
045 - nanja korya ?! : Makotora - https://soundcloud.com/xoxomakotora/nanjakorya (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
046 - ΣxilƎ : mrcool909090 - https://www.twitter.com/mrcool909090 (Chart by bol (Normal, Extreme) and 0AuBSQ)
047 - Pixelated Angel : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by bol and TFD500)
048 - The Nostalgic Messenger : CuZi - https://youtube.com/channel/UCxx3wiFJxGwb_-tEePPa4RA (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
049 - Overclocked (Pocket Size) : DeBisco - https://soundcloud.com/debisco | https://twitter.com/debiscomusic (Chart by Colin & 0AuBSQ)
050 - Annihilation : H5 - https://linktr.ee/H5Music (Chart by bol)
051 - 650 HP : Akako Hinami - https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/nnjSb (Chart by bol)
052 - Scarlet Mirage : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu & bol)
053 - PYRΔMiD : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by colin, bol & 0AuBSQ)
054 - Synthsea : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko (Extreme), 0AuBSQ (Hard), bol (Normal) and Megi (Easy))
055 - NEKROS : GRYSCL - https://twitter.com/gr_ysc_l_?s=21&t=XsxV9B105MlJ0dHUUK8k4g (Chart by colin and 0AuBSQ (Extra))
056 - I'll still be me : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu)
057 - Stories of your negative past : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu and 0AuBSQ)
058 - pipie : goldenyoshi22 - https://www.youtube.com/@goldenyoshi22 (Chart by goldenyoshi22 and 0AuBSQ)
059 - Hero's March : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by bol)
060 - lost in the cityscape : Makotora - https://soundcloud.com/xoxomakotora (Chart by Makotora)
061 - The Abyss : ok cheez - https://rchase.bandcamp.com/ | https://soundcloud.com/ok-cheez-96 (Chart by colin)
062 - next-level cityscape : Makotora - https://soundcloud.com/xoxomakotora (Chart by 0AuBSQ and Makotora)
063 - away : rainfall - https://on.soundcloud.com/dHt1P (Chart by Megi and 0AuBSQ)
064 - PLANETES : SiLiS - https://soundcloud.com/silis/planetes?si=2da8518a62bd4022a176a62fd2abe458&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
065 - Bounded Quietude : SiLiS vs Finite Limit - https://soundcloud.com/silis/silis-vs-finite-limit-bounded?si=f7b16b47ef5e4feb992df028778af30a&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing (Chart by bol and 0AuBSQ)
066 - Heating Up : FCN - https://fcngroove.carrd.co/ (Chart by Shoxk)
067 - Liar Prison : SiLiS ft. Karin Natsuki - https://soundcloud.com/silis/liarprison/s-RY4KsJUxuzL?si=e1738364de3a45328b27d1f10c90fea5&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
068 - Unlucky Rain : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu, Shoxk and 0AuBSQ)
069 - Vanaheimr : SiLiS - https://soundcloud.com/silis (Chart by bol and 0AuBSQ)
070 - Kernschmelze 256 : funkyzukin-Q - https://funkyzukin.bandcamp.com/ (Chart by DashyDesu and DragonRatTiger)
071 - When will the end arrive, I wonder? : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu and 0AuBSQ)
072 - Scarlet Soul : Cusi vs 9C - https://youtube.com/channel/UCxx3wiFJxGwb_-tEePPa4RA (Chart by bol and 0AuBSQ)
073 - Emily : H5 - https://linktr.ee/H5Music (Chart by bol and 0AuBSQ)
074 - Spatium Cursu : X3ll3n - https://linktr.ee/x3ll3n https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP7YVa81D4B0oZ2ypDzGGeg https://x3ll3n.newgrounds.com/ https://soundcloud.com/x3ll3n https://open.spotify.com/artist/3QR2CfvMJL7sxMwN5UMRGX https://www.instagram.com/x3ll3n_music/ (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
075 - 640x480 : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by Colin and Komi)
076 - Rainy Night II ~無信の森~ : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 https://b23.tv/LBMw5Oz (Chart by Taichenko (Extreme) & 0AuBSQ)
077 - Meowmetic : HHS - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC244lvpAR4n4brBbHtvjAQ (Chart by colin)
078 - the garden : AZALI - https://www.youtube.com/@AZALI00013 (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
079 - MECHANICAL GOD : AZALI × Crow - https://www.youtube.com/@AZALI00013 (AZALI) https://www.youtube.com/@crow4277 (Crow) (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
080 - I WANT TO BL00000000M : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu)
081 - Taikonitos : Moox - https://soundcloud.com/themoox/moox-taikonitos (Chart by Colin (Extreme, Hard) and DragonRatTiger)
082 - Comma, ~ 意味ト構造ノ分離 : Sparxe - https://soundcloud.com/sparxenic https://sparxe.bandcamp.com https://twitter.com/Sparxenic https://www.youtube.com/@SparxeMusic (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
083 - <Bracket> ~破壊ト混沌ノ複製~ : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by bol (Extreme) and 0AuBSQ)
084 - Next To You : Astedroid & X3ll3n - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP7YVa81D4B0oZ2ypDzGGeg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNTYFFcsN_0B5-eHf-u_uZg (Chart by sadkay)
085 - i don't want to see the people i love see me in pain so i sometimes just wanna be left alone to cry in the dark : Sukima Altera - https://yokaicore.bandcamp.com/album/songs-i-made-in-my-spare-time-ep (Chart by Colin)
086 - 怨念~漸消殘夢~ : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko (Extreme) and 0AuBSQ)
087 - Hero's Treasure : TFD500 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJjrxomZT2973fr8-9Yts_w (Chart by berdstep)
088 - II (Game cut) : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu)
089 - FunkBoi : SenPi - https://senpimusic.com (Chart by 0AuBSQ, Colin, Shoxk and DragonRatTiger)
090 - The Beat : MesoPhunk - www.soundcloud.com/djmesophunk https://twitter.com/DJMesoPhunk (Chart by 0AuBSQ)
091 - thumb wrestling : ok cheez - https://rchase.bandcamp.com/ https://mastodon.social/@r23chase https://soundcloud.com/ok-cheez-96 https://cheez2600.newgrounds.com/ (Chart by DragonRatTiger and bol)
092 - Rainy Night III ~幻虹~ : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko (Extreme) and 0AuBSQ)
093 - Rainy Night : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko)
094 - Rainy Night ~雲飛霧散~ : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko)
095 - Rainy Night II : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko)
096 - Rainy Night II ~水凝結~ : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko)
097 - Rainy Night III : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko)
098 - Rainy Night III ~輪回~ : Taichenko - https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichenko)
099 - Dreaming to be with you : Cusi ft. Kaeru from 虹信号 - https://youtube.com/channel/UCxx3wiFJxGwb_-tEePPa4RA https://twitter.com/nijishingoPH (Chart by Komi)
100 - Puzzle of "The End." : DashyDesu - https://www.youtube.com/c/DashyDesu (Chart by DashyDesu)
101 - おはよう : Tanger ft. Hatsune Miku - https://linktr.ee/Tangermusic (Chart by Komi)
102 - GET REAL : Underscore - https://www.youtube.com/c/UnderscoreOfficial (Chart by Komi)
103 - spliced : Tanger - https://linktr.ee/Tangermusic (Chart by Komi)
104 - 〈11 : Tanger ft. Hatsune Miku - https://linktr.ee/Tangermusic (Chart by Colin)
105 - CHAOTIC DIMENSION : Underscore - https://www.youtube.com/c/UnderscoreOfficial (Chart by sadkay)
106 - :3 : Tanger - https://linktr.ee/Tangermusic (Chart by DragonRatTiger)
107 - BONUS : Tanger - https://linktr.ee/Tangermusic (Chart by Tang)
108 - FINAL HOPE : Underscore - https://www.youtube.com/c/UnderscoreOfficial (Chart by DiamondN1nja)
109 - SUGARUSH~!! : Tanger - https://linktr.ee/Tangermusic (Chart by Komi)
110 - ETHEREAL VELOCITY (Game Size) : Underscore - https://www.youtube.com/c/UnderscoreOfficial (Chart by Colin)
111 - 2024 BPM IS NOT ENOUGH : Underscore - https://www.youtube.com/c/UnderscoreOfficial (Chart by goldenyoshi22 (Extreme) and Komi)
112 - ポゴはもう待てない! : 托 a.k.a. Tokky - https://linkco.re/1TYC4hqN (Chart by DragonRatTiger)
113 - 騒々しくなる : 托 a.k.a. Tokky - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFMonEHpJhM (Chart by DragonRatTiger)
114 - pretty kitty, yes? : Y.W - https://soundcloud.com/pme_yw http://www.yw-works.com/ (Chart by Komi)
115 - 菖蒲日和 : Y.W - https://soundcloud.com/pme_yw http://www.yw-works.com/ (Chart by Takkkom)
116 - 卒業2000 : Y.W - https://soundcloud.com/pme_yw http://www.yw-works.com/ (Chart by Komi)
117 - M_《Ji:Ü》 : Masamune (Chart by bol)
118 - Froggy Forest Raceway : Baby Zionov https://twitter.com/babyzionov (Chart by Shoxk & DragonRatTiger)
119 - Fractured Eternity : roər & Toneix [roər: SC ➜ https://soundcloud.com/rroer TW ➜ https://twitter.com/roerdtm YT ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@roer-music | Toneix: SC ➜ https://soundcloud.com/toneix TW ➜ https://twitter.com/Toneix1 YT ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@Toneix/featured] (Chart by Komi & bol)
Some of the visuals (preimages and videos) are made by the composers themselves, please reach us on Discord if we missed anyone
028 - Katharsis (Illustration): Komi/0AuBSQ
046 - ΣxilƎ : Lirodon (From Project Outfox: Serenity)
064 - PLANETES (Illustration): gentu
065 - Bounded Quietude (Illustration): Hiro (https://twitter.com/HiroChair?s=09) (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/35926966)
069 - Vanaheimr (Illustration): Transendium (https://twitter.com/ardentminus)
087 - Hero's Treasure (Illustration): picture_game
089 - FunkBoi : Lirodon (From Project Outfox: Serenity)
099 - Dreaming to be with you (Video & Illustration): Manic, RheaBee (https://twitter.com/rheabee5), Zhen (https://www.instagram.com/zhen_artz/)
114 - pretty kitty, yes? : kotomi
115 - 菖蒲日和 : kotomi
116 - 卒業2000 : kotomi
Songs within the OpenTaiko Chapter
(at the exception of songs listed on the "Specific Licences" section below) and the distinctive characters folders have non-exclusive licences (which means that you might see some of them in other games or projects).
It is permitted to use them in the following cases :
- OpenTaiko streamings on services such as Twitch, Youtube streaming or similar
- OpenTaiko gameplay videos on services such as Youtube, Dailymotion or similar
- OpenTaiko related videos on services such as Youtube, Dailymotion or similar
Each composer keep the rights on their songs, therefore you must ensure to have their authorization to use their songs for any different purpose than those listed above and/or to get an appropriate licence if necessary.
If you liked a specific song and want to support the composer's work, please check their links on the credits.
085 - i don't want to see the people i love see me in pain so i sometimes just wanna be left alone to cry in the dark : Sukima Altera
061 - The Abyss : ok cheez
077 - Meowmetic : HHS
091 - thumb wrestling : ok cheez
- Non-commercial, Attribution required (CC BY-NC ?)
074 - Spatium Cursu : X3ll3n
084 - Next To You : Astedroid & X3ll3n
078 - the garden : AZALI
T03 - レミリア, 私の影 ~ The Scarlet Fog Machine Incident : Jezebel Ciccone
Learn more about Project Outfox (and Serenity) at https://projectoutfox.com/serenity Showcases:
- OpenTaiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjDDhVwsjjM
- Project Outfox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai2pnhFuOag&t=0s
The included songs are:
Relaxation Piece of Conclusion - Zenth (Chart by DiamondN1nja)
B-Happy - Ace of Beat (Chart by Komi)
What Year Is This (Outfox Edit) - Sevish (Chart by sadkay)
Eradication of Light - Mintorment (Chart by Colin)
brokenHeart resurrection ~estelle~ - RILEY (Chart by Komi)
The credits and links and licence information for each song are included on the attached credits/licence.txt file.
Grazepoint: https://grazepoint.bandcamp.com/ https://grazepoint.bandcamp.com/album/touwho https://grazepoint.bandcamp.com/album/touwho-2 TOHO EURO MISSION: https://djtimotei.bandcamp.com/album/toho-euro-mission-02 https://djtimotei.bandcamp.com/album/toho-euro-mission-03 Showcases: (Coming soon)
The included songs are:
Evil Gala - Moox https://soundcloud.com/themoox (Chart by Colin)
Spread My Wings - DJ Timotei ft. Slothington [DJ Timotei (https://www.youtube.com/@DJ_Timotei); Slothington (https://www.youtube.com/@Slothington)] (Chart by Komi)
レミリア, 私の影 ~ The Scarlet Fog Machine Incident - Jezebel Ciccone https://darkdandy13.bandcamp.com/ (Chart by Komi)
Confession - TTL ft. Kanata [TTL (https://www.youtube.com/@ttlsound760)] (Chart by Komi)
War Zone - WORLDWIDEWOLF feat. Timothy [https://takanashikoubou.com/ https://worldwidewolf.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/worldwldewolf https://bsky.app/profile/worldwidewolf.bsky.social https://twitter.com/WORLDWlDEWOLF https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWXNd52sTxn9ubwp2ixct6A https://www.youtube.com/@DJ_Timotei https://twitter.com/DJTimotei https://djtimotei.bandcamp.com/] (Chart by Komi)
Journey - DJ Timotei ft. つぅ [DJ Timotei (https://www.youtube.com/@DJ_Timotei); つぅ(https://www.youtube.com/@K2ECradle)] (Chart by Komi)
Abyss - Taichenko https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichanko & Komi)
Exterminate - Taichenko https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichanko & Komi)
Imperfect Cherry Blossom - Whitetail https://soundcloud.com/whitetail-music https://treepunk.bandcamp.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/whitetailmusic (Chart by Komi)
Disintegrated Laevatein - Taichenko https://space.bilibili.com/356518101 (Chart by Taichanko & Komi)
Cirno in Quarantine - H5 https://linktr.ee/H5Music (Chart by bol)
BLINDED CRITICISM - DeBisco & Zovi [DeBisco(https://soundcloud.com/debisco https://twitter.com/debiscomusic) Zovi(https://zovi.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/zovi https://twitter.com/zovinoise)] (Chart by Komi)
Songs that are not specified under the 'Songs with specific licenses' section are under the OpenTaiko Default Licence
Spanish : funnymoth - https://github.com/funnym0th
English : Meowgister - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDi5puZaJLMUA6OgIAb7rmQ
Chinese : WHMHammer - https://github.com/WHMHammer
Main developers : 0AuBSQ - https://github.com/0auBSQ/OpenTaiko and Takkkom - https://github.com/Takkkom
Multiple additionnal features, mainly VTT lyrics support : DragonRatTiger - https://github.com/DragonRatTiger
Several bug fixes and improvements : l1m0n3 - https://github.com/l1m0n3
Complete removal of the SlimDX dependency : Mr-Oiji https://github.com/Mr-Ojii
Mod icons : FAKEYJSNPI - https://github.com/FAKEYJSNPI