This is the official implementation of the DeepHYDRA algorithm presented in the paper "DeepHYDRA: Resource-Efficient Time-Series Anomaly Detection in Dynamically-Configured Systems".
The folder envs/ contains the conda environments for the different models. You can create the conda environments with the following command:
conda create --name <env_name> --file <file>
In the respective conda environments, install the Python packages not installed via conda with
pip install -r <env_name>_python_requirements.txt
This is a bit messy, and we will probably streamline this in the future.
For the machine-1-1 dataset, extract the files in the archive datasets/smd/machine-1-1.tar.gz.
For the HLT datasets, retrieve the original datasets from here and place them in the subfolder datasets/hlt. Afterwards, run the scripts
Use the conda environment contained in envs/dataset_generation.txt for this step.
To run the one-liner baselines, run the script
in the subfolder baselines/one-liners.
To run the MERLIN scripts, you have to clone the py-merlin repository. Build and install this package inside the environment contained in envs/merlin.txt. Afterwards, you waill be able to run the script
in the subfolder baselines/merlin.
Use the respectively named conda environments envs/informers.txt and envs/tranad.txt to run the specific models. You can run the models with the parameters used in the paper by executing the scripts
Contained in the subfolders transformer_based_detection/informers and transformer_based_detection/tranad.
After training the models on the reduced HLT data, you can run the combined detection method using the generated checkpoints. To do this, run the scripts
contained in the subfolders detection_combined/benchmark/informers and detection_combined/benchmark/tranad.
Running all of the scripts described above should have populated the folders evaluation/combined_detection/predictions, evaluation/reduced_detection/predictions, and evaluation/smd/predictions with the necessary files to calculate the performance metrics and generate the comparison plots shown in the paper. You can calculate the metrics by running the scripts
in the subfolders evaluation/combined_detection, evaluation/reduced_detection, and evaluation/smd/. Note that the results for TranAD on the machine-1-1 dataset are stored directly in the model folder as results_tranad_machine-1-1.csv.
The plots can be generated by running
in the subfolder evaluation/combined/detection.