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CPU edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 1 revision


Aliases: timezones, tz

It is used to record the timezone of the users to then check what time is it for one of them.


Timezones and
Timezone list 🡆 Will show a list of all the known timezones with the number of users for each timezone.

Timezone user 🡆 Will show the timezone of the mentioned user and what time it is for it.
Timezone user timezone 🡆 Will set the timezone for the mentioned user. Timezones can be in UTC format (UTC+2 for example) or normal timezone names (IST for example.)


Timezones has two types of authorization:
The one to set users time zones and the one to check the timezones of users.
As usual both actions can be can be disabled or authorized to everybody or just admins.


Timezones are shared between all Discord guilds.