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Classical Chinese Universal Dependencies Treebank annotated and converted by Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University.


This Treebank is taken under the full text of 論語, 孟子, 禮記, 十八史略, 楚辭, 戰國策, and others. In Classical Chinese we had no spaces or punctuations between words or sentences, so we did not include any spaces or punctuations in Treebank files:

  • lzh_kyoto-ud-test.conllu

    • 學而篇第一 為政篇第二 and 八佾篇第三 from 論語
    • 梁惠王上 and 梁惠王下 from 孟子
    • 中庸 from 禮記
    • 春秋戰國 from 十八史略
    • 離騷 from 楚辭
    • 摩訶般若波羅蜜大明呪經
    • 東周 from 戰國策
  • lzh_kyoto-ud-dev.conllu

    • 顏淵篇第十二 子路篇第十三 and 憲問篇第十四 from 論語
    • 告子上 and 告子下 from 孟子
    • 大學 from 禮記
    • 唐 from 十八史略
    • 遠遊 from 楚辭
    • 金剛般若波羅蜜經
    • 西周 from 戰國策
  • lzh_kyoto-ud-train.conllu

    • 論語 (except for 學而篇第一 為政篇第二 八佾篇第三 顏淵篇第十二 子路篇第十三 憲問篇第十四)
    • 孟子 (except for 梁惠王上 梁惠王下 告子上 告子下)
    • 禮記 (except for 中庸 大學)
    • 十八史略 (except for 春秋戰國 唐)
    • 九歌 天問 九章 卜居 漁父 九辯 and 招魂 from 楚辭
    • 唐詩三百首
    • 佛說阿彌陀經
    • 戰國策 (except for 東周 西周)



  • 2024-05-15 v2.14

    • bug fix and Gloss addition.
  • 2023-11-15 v2.13

    • bug fix for fixed.
  • 2023-05-15 v2.12

    • 戰國策 added.
  • 2022-11-15 v2.11

    • nsubj:outer and csubj:outer supported.
    • 唐詩三百首 added.
  • 2022-05-15 v2.10

    • 摩訶般若波羅蜜大明呪經 added.
    • 金剛般若波羅蜜經 added.
    • 佛說阿彌陀經 added.
  • 2021-11-15 v2.9

    • 9 poetries from 楚辭 added.
  • 2021-05-15 v2.8

    • 2 eras from 十八史略 added.
  • 2020-11-15 v2.7

    • 7 volumes from 禮記 added.
    • 17 eras from 十八史略 added.
  • 2020-05-15 v2.6

    • 19 volumes from 禮記 added.
  • 2019-11-15 v2.5

    • 22 volumes from 禮記 added.
  • 2019-05-15 v2.4

    • Initial release in Universal Dependencies.
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================
Data available since: UD v2.4
License: PD
Includes text: yes
Genre: nonfiction poetry
Lemmas: converted with corrections
UPOS: converted with corrections
XPOS: converted with corrections
Features: converted with corrections
Relations: manual native
Contributors: Yasuoka, Koichi; Wittern, Christian; Morioka, Tomohiko; Ikeda, Takumi; Yamazaki, Naoki; Nikaido, Yoshihiro; Suzuki, Shingo; Moro, Shigeki; Li, Yuan; Shirasu, Hiroyuki; Fujita, Kazunori
Contributing: elsewhere
Contact: [email protected]


No description, website, or topics provided.







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