Mock HTTP Responses by replying Responses from a capture file.
patch python's requests.get()
, to search in the capture instead of sending an http request.
Currently only supports .har files, and patching requests.get
Requests mocked by replying packet captures in .har file format. I plan to implement .pcap files in the future if i find those necessary, and possibly also scripts to craft responses.
currently only the GET verb is implemented and only match by the URL (headers are ignored) and returns the first packet matched.
To generate a .har file in Firefox, open the network console (Ctrl + Shift + E) and start browsing. When done, right click on ths capture window and "Save All As HAR".
inject mocked requests onto requests.get
from testirequesti import Requesti, patch_requests
URL = ""
def test_something():
mocked_response = requests.get(URL)
To find all captured packets to url
requesti = Requesti(HAR_FILE)
url_regex = "^http.*.parliament\.uk"
matched = requesti.find_packets(url_regex)