This is a collection of useful scripts which showcase some of my abilities
Name | Description |
MultiPassKubernetesCluster | Self hosted kubernetes cluster on mac with MultiPass |
Vagrant-Virtualbox-KubernetesCluster | Self hosted kubernetes cluster on windows with Vagrant and virtualbox |
Local-Rancher-With-Vagrant | Local Rancher with Vagrant |
Name | Description |
AWS Kubernetes Cluster with EKS | kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS with terraform |
VMware Vsphere VMs creation | kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS with terraform |
Rancher-vSphere | Rancher cluster on vSphere |
Name | Description |
Bash-Simple-CD | Bash-Simple-CD |
Powershell-Simple-CD | Powershell-Simple-CD |
Bash-CD | More ellaborate Bash continuous deployment script |
Name | Description |
GetWordpressVersionForAllWebsites | Bash script which outputs wordpress version information for each website in /var/www |
CreateCA+Script-to-create-self-signed-certificates-with-given-CA | Tool for creating self signed certificates from own certificate authority |
F5-Redirects | example for script that changes a file with sed and awk |
Name | Description |
ADPasswordExpiryReminder | Active directory script which queries users' password expiry date and sends them an email 7,5,3,1 days before it's expiry |
ADDisableNeverLoggedInUsers | Active directory script which disables all users who have never logged in |
ADGenerateRandomPasswordForUsers.ps1 | Active directory script which generates a random password for all users from a list |
WindowsDeleteFilesOlderThan90Days.ps1 | short snippet to auto delete files in folder older than 90 days. To be used with Task Scheduler |
ADDisableUsersAndDeleteUsersAfter90Days | disable users after 90 days of inactivity, delete users who are disabled for 90 days |
ADGetHotfixVersionForAllConnectedComputers | get hotfix version for all connected computers to DC |
ADInstallMSIForAllComputers | Installs MSI for all computers in active domain] |
AD-GPO-ActivatePowershellRemortingAndCheck.ps1 | create GPO to Activate powershell remoting and script to check if it's working |
ADCheckUsersInGroupAndNotify | Check number of users in group and send email on condition |
ADGuiForUsersAndPasswords | show users data in table |
Name | Description |
MSSQL-Backup | Transact-SQL snippet to backup database from file |
MSSQL-Restore | Transact-SQL code to terminate existing connections to the database, restore database from file, and set back permissions to users |
Install MSSQL on Mac M1 and load-database | Use Docker to install MSSQL on Mac M1 and load-database .mdf file to new database |
troubleshoot-users-and-logins | troubleshoot common problems with users and logins when updating and operating production databases in MSSQL |
Name | Description |
CLI (bulk) add hosts or networks | Use Checkpoint CLI to mass add hosts or networks |