repo containes:
Two dockerfiles showcasing two ways of implementing an nginx container talking to an RDS databas. one with two containers and one with nginx with lua (tech called openresty)
Three Github actions workflows, to push to aws elastic container registry, and to update EKS cluster.
Aws code pipelines to push containers to fargate elastic container service
Terraform code for deploying an elastic kubernetes cluster on aws and deploy the app. EKS uses a seperate subnet with vpc peering and dns resolution.
(with kubernetes in docker)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq); docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq) && kubectl apply -f kubernetes-dev.yaml && kubectl get svc commit-service
then go to the port mapped to 443 - https://localhost:port
kubectl delete -f kubernetes-dev.yaml && docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
fargate ecs:
aws rds start-db-instance --db-instance-identifier database-1
aws ecs update-service --cluster ecs-cluster-commit --service commit-openressty --desired-count 1
aws ecs update-service --cluster ecs-cluster-commit --service commit-flask-nginx-gunicorn-v2 --desired-count 1
https://< ip >
https://< ip >/query
kubernetes cluster:
tf init && tf plan
tf apply
aws rds start-db-instance --db-instance-identifier database-1
kubectl delete -f ../kubernetes-openresty.yaml
k get svc (and follow the link)
aws ecs update-service --cluster ecs-cluster-commit --service commit-openressty --desired-count 0
aws ecs update-service --cluster ecs-cluster-commit --service commit-flask-nginx-gunicorn-v2 --desired-count 0
aws rds stop-db-instance --db-instance-identifier database-1
tf destroy