Are you planning to use babel in your next project ? Build a Babel environment in one single line
npm install -g babel-me
Create a simple environment for start coding in es6 with babel.
|___ lib/index.js <-- base es6 file
|___ dist/ <-- distribution folder
|___ tests/test.js <-- base es6 test based on mocha
|___ .babelrc <-- babel configuration file
Aumatically add scripts to use and build your babel lib
"build" : "./node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel.js lib -d dist",
"test" : "./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha tests/* --compilers js:babel-core/register -t 15s",
"prepublish" : "npm run build"
Install the minimumm required dependencies
- babel-cli
- babel-core
- babel-preset-es2015
- mocha
Thats all! Simple and with minimum dependencies.
A babel boilerplate for Yeoman