Web Prototype of a software to help a teacher grade assignments by automating calculation of points and generation of a text to communicate detailed grading to the student. This project was abandonned as I am working on an improved desktop version called NotaBene.
- Node
npm install
npm start
- Format number: gradePercent
- Feature: allow displaying all criteria along with points
- Move "lab-word-2" and others to their own dir
- Test fresh install instructions
- Allow removing points partially for a criterion
- "Copy" button for final grade and for student's summary
- Explain the format of the data
- Allow change of "Tu as perdu des points sur..."
- Create a main page with a list of exercises to choose from
- Replace "isLinkedToPreviousCriterion" by sub criteria
- Show current points and percent per exercises
- Allow unchecking all checkboxes (zero) for an exercise
- Allow penality for being late