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A versatile Android mounting utility for folders, EXT4 images, LUKS/LUKS2 encrypted volumes, regular partitions and more.


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fbind is a versatile mounting utility for folders, disk images, LUKS/LUKS2 encrypted volumes, regular partitions and more.


Copyright (C) 2017-2021, VR25 @ xda-developers

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Always read/reread this reference prior to installing/upgrading this software.

While no cats have been harmed, the author assumes no responsibility for anything that might break due to the use/misuse of it.

To prevent fraud, do NOT mirror any link associated with this project; do NOT share flashabe zips! Share official links instead.


fbind uses fsck, mount, umount and other low level programs that may cause data corruption/loss. The author assumes no responsibility under anything that might break due to the use/misuse of this software. By choosing to use/misuse it, you agree to do so at your own risk!


  • Android or Android-based OS rooted with Magisk
  • cryptsetup (for encryption, optional)
  • Terminal emulator (or adb shell) and/or text editor

Note: executables such as cryptsetup can be placed in /data/adb/vr25/bin/ (with proper permissions) instead of being installed system-wide.


bind_mount <target> <mount point> Generic Bind-mount

e.g., bind_mount $extsd/loop_device/app_data/spotify /data/data/

extsd_path <path> Use path as extsd.

e.g., extsd_path /mnt/mmcblk1p2

from_to <source> <dest> Wrapper for bind_mount <$extsd/[path]> <$intsd/[path]>

e.g., from_to WhatsApp .WhatsApp

int_extf <path> Bind-mount the entire user 0 (internal) storage to $extsd/<path> (implies obb). If <path> is not supplied, .fbind is used.

e.g., int_extf .external_storage

intsd_path <path> Use path as intsd.

e.g., intsd_path /storage/emulated/0

loop <disk image> <mount point> Mount a disk image, a.k.a., loop device. fsck -fy (adaptive) is implied.

e.g., loop $extsd/loop.img $intsd/loop

noAutoMount Disable on boot auto-mount.

obb Wrapper for bind_mount $extobb $obb

obbf <package name> Wrapper for bind_mount $extobb/<package name> $obb/<package name>

e.g., obbf com.mygame.greatgame

part [-o <mount option...>] <[block device[--L[,password]]]> <mount point> ["fsck <option...>"] Auto-mount a partition. The --L flag is for LUKS/2 volume, opened manually by running any fbind command. The filesystem is automatically detected. The defaut mount options are rw and noatime. e2fsck -fy is always used for supported filesystems.


part /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/_sdcard

part -o nodev,noexec,nosuid /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/_sdcard

permissive Set SELinux mode to permissive.

prefix=<path> Sets emulated storage path prefix (excluding emulated/*).

e.g., prefix=/mnt/runtime/full

An alternative to modifying the config is running prefix=/mnt/runtime/full fbind --remount

remove <target>>Auto-remove stubborn/unwanted file/folder from $intsd & $extsd.

e.g., remove Android/data/com.facebook.orca

target <path> Wrapper for bind_mount <$extsd/[path]> <$intsd/[same path]>

e.g., target Android/data/


# All OBBs to $extsd/Android/obb/

# Select OBBs to $extsd/Android/obb/
obbf com.somegame.greatgame

# $intsd/target/ to $extsd/sameTarget/
#  For non-media folders only
target TitaniumBackup

# $intsd/someFolder/ to $extsd/.someFolder/
#  Prevents duplicate media
from_to DCIM .fbind/DCIM
from_to Pictures .fbind/Pictures
from_to WhatsApp .fbind/WhatsApp

# Multiuser -- user11/someFolder/ to $extsd/someFolder/
bind_mount $extsd/someFolder ${intsd/%0/11}/someFolder

# Mount a partition and use it as $extsd
part /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /mnt/p2


  fbind (wizard)
  fbind [option...] [argument...]

Toggle auto-mount on boot (default: enabled).

-b|--bind-mount <target> <mount point>
Bind-mount folders not listed in config.txt.
SDcarsFS read and write runtime paths are handled automatically.
Missing directories are created accordingly.
e.g., fbind -b /data/someFolder /data/mountHere

-c|--config [editor] [option...]
Open config.txt w/ [editor] [option...] (default: vim|vi|nano).
e.g., fbind -c nano -l

-C|--cryptsetup [option...] [argument...]
Run cryptsetup [option...] [argument...].

Toggle FUSE usage for emulated storage (default: off).

List all commands.

-l|--log [editor] [option...]
Open service.log w/ [editor] [option...] (default: more|vim|vi|nano).
e.g., fbind -l

-m|--mount [egrep regex]
Bind-mount matched or all (no arg).
e.g., fbind -m "Whats|Downl|part"

-M|--move [ext. regex]
Move matched or all (no args) to external storage.
Only unmounted folders are affected.
e.g., fbind -M "Download|obb"

-Mm [egrep regex]
Same as "fbind -M [arg] && fbind -m [arg]"
e.g., fbind -Mm

Open w/ [editor] [option...] (default: more|vim|vi|nano).

-R|--remove [target]
Remove stubborn/unwanted file/folder from \$intsd and \$extsd.
By default, all "remove" lines from config are included.
e.g., fbind -R Android/data/com.facebook.orca

Test internal storage prefixes (views) and automatically update the config.

-u|--unmount [mount point or egrep regex]
Unmount matched or all (no arg).
This works for regular bind-mounts, SDcardFS bind-mounts, regular partitions, loop devices and LUKS/LUKS2 encrypted volumes.
Unmounting "all at once" (no arg) does not affect partitions nor loop devices.
These must be unmounted with a regex argument.
For unmounting folders bound with the --bind-mount option, the mount points must be supplied, since those are not in config.txt.
e.g., fbind -u "loop|part|Downl"

-um|--remount [egrep regex]
Remount matched or all (no arg).
e.g., fbind -um "Download|obb"

Print version code (integer)


  • Recent Magisk versions disable all modules when the system boots in safe mode. Keep this in mind, just in case you face a bootloop - although, in most cases, fbind will automatically revert problematic changes.

  • If you find terminal overwhelming, just run fbind and follow the wizard.

  • Always enforce Unix line endings (LF) when editing config.txt. NEVER use Windows Notepad for that!

  • Available free space in internal storage may be misreported.

  • [Some] file managers may show multiple SDcard/storage locations.

  • [FUSE] Some users may need to set intsd_path /storage/emulated/0 (default is /data/media/0).

  • If you stumble upon inaccessible folders or read-only access, try forcing FUSE (fbind -f) usage for emulated storage. If your system does not support FUSE, it may get into a bootloop. If that happens, fbind will revert the change automatically on the next boot attempt. To revert it manually, either run fbind -f again or remove /data/adb/modules/fbind/system.prop to FUSE.prop and remove /data/adb/vr25/fbind-data/.FUSE.

  • Logs are stored at /data/adb/vr25/fbind-data/logs/.

  • [SDcardFS] Remounting /mnt/runtime/write/... may cause a system reboot. When this happens, fbind learns to skip it. However, if the system reboots for a reason other than this, fbind will mistakenly create /data/adb/vr25/fbind-data/.noWriteRemount. If you stumble across broken bind mounts, remove that file and remount all folders. To do that in one shot, run rm /data/adb/vr25/fbind-data/.noWriteRemount; fbind -um.

  • Rebooting is not required after installing/upgrading. If /sbin is missing (many Android 11 based systems lack it), use the /dev/.vr25/fbind/fbind executable until you reboot - e.g., /dev/.vr25/fbind/fbind -m.



v2021.12.2 (202112020)

  • Enhanced flashable zip generator;
  • Implemented losetup wrapper for greater compatibility;
  • Improved partition and image file mount logics;
  • Preliminary work on the appdata binding wizard;
  • Reordered emulated storage prefix fallbacks to cover another Android 11+ quirk.

v2021.12.2.1 (202112021)

  • Auto-mount hotfix

v2021.12.6 (202112060)

  • Added TOC to readme;
  • General optimizations;
  • Improved Android 11+ support.