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Vite React Template

A React template that generates a new project with automatic deployment to GitHub Pages.

  1. Press green button right top corner Use this template and select Create new repository to initialize the repository with template configuration.
  2. Update vite.config.js the base URL in this file by setting it with the name of your repository, for example base: '/vite-react-template/'
  3. Inside package.json set the complete website URL as "homepage": "https://{username}{repo-name}/"
  4. Run command npm i to install all dependencies
  5. Run git add . git commit -m 'add your comment here' and git push to push all your changes to your repository
  6. Navigate to your remote repository on GitHub -> Settings -> Actions -> General. Scroll down to the Workflow permissions and select the Read and Write permissions and Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests
  7. Navigate to your remote repository on GitHub -> Settings -> Pages (left sidebar). Select source as “Deploy from branch” and branch as “gh-pages”.
  8. Now whenever you push your changes to GitHub the page will be automatically updated