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Contributing a New Scheduler: Extending Synchronous Hyperband

In the previous section, we gave an example of how to extend asynchronous Hyperband with a new searcher. Syne Tune also provides a scheduler template for synchronous Hyperband. In this section, we will walk through an example of how to extend this template.

Our example here is somewhat more advanced than the one given for asynchronous Hyperband. In fact, we will walk through the implementation of Differential Evolution Hyperband (DEHB) in Syne Tune. Readers who are not interested in how to extend synchronous Hyperband, may skip this section without loss.

Synchronous Hyperband

The differences between synchronous and asynchronous successive halving and Hyperband are detailed in this tutorial. In a nutshell, synchronous Hyperband uses rung levels of a priori fixed size, and decisions on which trials to promote to the next level are only done when all slots in the current rung are filled. In other words, promotion decisions are synchronized, while the execution of parallel jobs still happens asynchronously. This requirement poses slight additional challenges for an implementation, over what is said in published work. We start with an overview of SynchronousHyperbandScheduler. Concepts such as resource, rung, bracket, grace period $r_{min}$, reduction factor $\eta$ are detailed in the tutorial.

SynchronousHyperbandBracket represents a bracket, consisting of a list of rungs, where each rung is defined by (rung_size, level), rung_size is the number of slots, level the resource level. Any system of rungs is admissible, as long as rung_size is strictly decreasing and level is strictly increasing.

  • Any active bracket (i.e., supporting running trials) has a self.current_rung, where not all slots are occupied.
  • A slot in the current rung can be occupied, pending, or free. A slot is free if it has not been associated with a trial yet. It is pending if it is associated with a trial, but the latter has not returned a metric value yet. It is occupied if it contains a metric value. A rung is worked on by turning free slots to pending by associating them with a trial, and turning pending slots to occupied when their trials return values.
  • next_free_slot: Returns SlotInRung information about the next free slot, or None if all slots are occupied or pending. This method is called as part of suggest.
  • on_result: This method is called as part of on_trial_result, when a trial reports the result a pending slot is waiting for. The corresponding slot becomes occupied. If this action renders the rung complete (i.e., all slots are occupied), then _promote_trials_at_rung_complete is called. This method increases self.current_rung and populates the trial_id fields by the top performers of the rung just completed. All slots in the new rung are free. Note that the trial_id fields of the first rung are assigned to None at the beginning, they are set by the caller (using new trial_id values provided by the back-end).

SynchronousHyperbandBracketManager maintains all brackets during an experiment. It is configured by a list of brackets, where each bracket has one less rungs than its predecessor. The Hyperband algorithm cycles through this RungSystemsPerBracket in a round robin fashion. The bracket manager relays next_job and on_result calls to the correct SynchronousHyperbandBracket. The first bracket which is not yet complete, is the primary bracket.

  • next_job: The preferred bracket to take the job (via next_free_slot) is the primary one. However, a bracket may not be able to take the job, because its current rung has no free slots (i.e., they are all occupied or pending). In this case, the manager scans successive brackets. If no existing bracket can take the job, a new bracket is created.

Given these classes, SynchronousHyperbandScheduler is straightforward. It is a pause-and-resume scheduler.

  • _suggest polls self.bracket_manager.next_job(). If the SlotInRung returned has trial_id assigned, it corresponds to a trial to be promoted, so the decision is TrialSuggestion.resume_suggestion. Otherwise, the scheduler decides for TrialSuggestion.start_suggestion with a new trial_id, which also updates the SlotInRung.trial_id field. In any case, the scheduler maintains the curently pending slots in self._trial_to_pending_slot.
  • on_trial_result relays information back via self.bracket_manager.on_result((bracket_id, slot_in_rung)), as long as trial_id appears in self._trial_to_pending_slot and has reached its required rung level.

Differential Evolution Hyperband

We will now have a closer look at the implementation of DEHB in Syne Tune, which is a recent extension of synchronous Hyperband, where configurations of trials are chosen by evolutionary computations (mutation, cross-over, selection). This example is more advanced than the one above, in that we need to do more than furnishing SynchronousHyperbandScheduler with a new searcher. The only time when a searcher suggests configurations is at the very start, when the first rung of the first bracket is filled. All further configurations are obtained by evolutionary means.

The main difference between DEHB and synchronous Hyperband is how configurations to be evaluated in a rung are chosen, based on trials in the rung above and in earlier brackets. In synchronous Hyperband, we simply promote the best performing trials from the rung above. In particular, the configurations do not change, and trials paused in the rung above are resumed. In DEHB, this promotion process is more complicated, and importantly, it leads to new trials with different configurations. This means that trials are not resumed in DEHB. Moreover, each configuration attached to a trial is represented by an encoded vector with values in $[0, 1]$, where the mapping from vectors to configurations is not invertible if the configuration space contains discrete parameters. Much the same is done in Gaussian process based Bayesian optimization.

The very first bracket of DEHB is processed in the same way as in synchronous Hyperband, so assume the current bracket is not the first. This is how the configuration vector for a free slot in a rung is chosen:

  • Identify a mutation candidate set. If there is a rung above, this set contains the best performing trials from there, namely those that would be promoted in synchronous Hyperband. If there is no rung above, the set is the rung with same level from the previous bracket. Now, if this set contains less than 3 entries, we add configurations from earlier trials at the same rung level (the global parent pool). This mutation candidate set is the same for all choices in the same rung.
  • Draw 3 configurations at random, without replacement, from the mutation candidate set and create a mutant as a linear combination of them.
  • Identify the target configuration from the same slot and rung level in the previous bracket. The candidate for the slot is obtained by cross-over between mutant and target, in that each entry of the vector is picked randomly from that position in one of the two. An evaluation is started for this candidate configuration.
  • Finally, there is selection. Once the slot is to be occupied, we compare metric values between target and candidate, and the better one gets assigned to the slot.

While this sounds quite foreign to what we saw above, we can make progress by associating each candidate vector arising from mutation and cross-over with a new trial_id. After all, in order to determine the winner between candidate and target, we have to evaluate the former. Once this is done, we can map mutation and cross-over to suggest, and selection to on_trial_report. It becomes clear that we can use most of the infrastructure for synchronous Hyperband without change.

DifferentialEvolutionHyperbandBracket has only minor differences to SynchronousHyperbandBracket. First, _promote_trials_at_rung_complete does nothing, because promotion (i.e., determining the trials for a rung from the one above) is a more complex process now. In particular, the trial_id fields of free slots in the current rung are None until they become occupied. Second, top_list_for_previous_rung returns the top performing trials of the rung above the current one. This information is needed in order to create the mutation candidate set. All other methods remain the same. We still need to identify the next free slot (at the time of mutation and cross-over), and need to write information back when a slot gets occupied.

At this point, it is important to acknowledge some difficulties arising from asynchronous job execution. Namely, mutation and cross-over require the configurations for the mutation candidate set and target to have been determined before, and selection needs the metric value for the target. If this type of information is not present when we need it, we are not allowed to wait.

  • If the current rung is not the first in the bracket, we know that all slots in the rung above are occupied. After all, DEHB is still a synchronous HPO method.
  • The rung from where to choose the target can be problematic, as it may not have been decided upon completely when mutation starts for the current rung. In this case, our implementation cycles back through the brackets until an assigned slot (i.e., not free) is found in the right place.
  • For this reason, it is possible in principle that the target trial_id changes between cross-over and selection. Also, in rare cases, the target may not have a metric at selection time. In this case, the candidate wins.

DifferentialEvolutionHyperbandBracketManager is very similar to SynchronousHyperbandBracketManager. Differences include:

  • The system of brackets is more rigid in DEHB, in that subsequent brackets are determined by the first one. In particular, later brackets have less total budget, because rung sizes are inherited from the first bracket.
  • top_of_previous_rung helps choosing the mutation candidate set. Its return values are cached.
  • trial_id_from_parent_slot selects the trial_id for the target for cross-over and selection.

DifferentialEvolutionHyperbandScheduler implements the DEHB scheduler.

  • On top of SynchronousHyperbandScheduler, it also maps trial_id to encoded configuration in self._trial_info, and self._global_parent_pool maintains all completed trials at each rung level.
  • _suggest: We start by determining a free slot, then a configuration vector for the new trial, typically by mutation and cross-over. One difficulty is that this could end up suggesting a configuration already proposed before, because many encoded vectors map to the same configuration. In this case, we retry and may ultimately draw encoded configs at random. Except for a special case in the very first bracket, we return with TrialSuggestion.start_suggestion.
  • New encoded configurations are chosen only for the first rung of the first bracket. Our implementation allows a searcher to be specified for this choice. However, the default is to sample the new vector uniformly at random, see _encoded_config_from_searcher. Importantly, this is different from using searcher="random". The latter samples a configuration and maps it to an encoded vector, a process which has less entropy if discrete hyperparameters are present.
  • on_trial_result is similar to what happens in SynchronousHyperbandScheduler, except that selection is happening as well. If the target wins in the selection, ext_slot.trial_id is changed to the target trial_id. In any case, we return SchedulerDecision.STOP because the trial will not have to be resumed later on (except in the very first bracket).

In the next section, we show how a new searcher can be linked into the searcher factory, so it be made available to users in an easy-to-use fashion.