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Simple procedural programming language, statically typed and compiled to JVM bytecode

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Rattlesnake 🐍

Simple procedural programming language, statically typed and compiled to JVM bytecode

Example project

A sudoku solver:

Example program

fn joinWords(words: arr String, endSymbol: Char) -> String {
    var joined = "";
    for var i = 0; i < #words; i += 1 {
        joined += words[i];
        if i < #words-1 {
            joined += " ";
    return joined + charToString(endSymbol)

fn main(arr String){
    val msgWords = ["Hello", "world"];
    val msg = joinWords(msgWords, '!');
    print(msg)   // displays "Hello world!"

Compiler documentation here

Command-line program

Run help to see the available commands and options

Language description

The language does not support modules. All functions and data structures are top-level and identified by their textual name across the whole program. Functions and types can be referred to from inside the file that defines them or from another file in the exact same way.

Code blocks

Statements are separated with ;. ; may be omitted after the last statement.

Types and data structures

  • Primitive types:

    • Int, Double, Bool, Char
    • Void: return type of a function that does not return any value
    • Nothing: return type of a function that terminates the program and thus never returns
  • String

  • Arrays: arr <element type>, e.g. arr Int


    • arr <type>[<size>], e.g. val array = arr Int[10] (such an array is always mutable)
    • [<elems>*], e.g. val array = [-7, 31, 14, 11]
      (or val array = mut [-7, 31, 14, 11] if the array must be mutable)

    Access an element: <array>[<index>], e.g. xs[7]

  • Structures, e.g. struct Foo { bar: Int }

    Fields are unmodifiable by default. Reassignable fields must be marked with var, e.g. struct Abc { x: Int, var y: Int }

    Creation and field access: val foo = new Foo { 0 }; val b =

    Creating a mutable structure: new mut Abc { 10, 15 }

  • Interfaces, e.g. interface I { x: Int, var s: String }

    The subtyping relation between structures and interfaces must be declared explicitely: struct A : I { x: Int, y: Double, var s: String }. The structure must then provide at least the fields declared by the interface. If a field is declared reassignable in an interface (var keyword), then it must be reassignable in the structure as well. If a structure A is a subtype of an interface I, then the fields of A declared in I and non-reassignable in I must declare a type that is a subtype of their type in I. If a field is reassignable in I, then it must declare the exact same type as in I. E.g., assuming the existence of an interface Z and a struct U that is a subtype of Z (denoted U <: Z in the following snippet):

    // We assume the existence of U and Z such that U <: Z
    interface I { f: Z, var g: Z }
    struct A : I { f: Z, var h: String, var g: Z } // valid, extends I with an additional field h
    struct B : I { f: U, var g: Z }                // valid, U <: Z and f is not reassignable
    struct C : I { f: U, var g: U }                // not valid, as U != Z and g is reassignable
    struct D : I { f: Z, g: Z }                    // not valid, as g is reassignable in I but not in D


  • Nothing is a subtype of all other types
  • mut X is a subtype of X (but not the other way around)
  • arrays are covariant iff they are immutable (e.g. arr mut Foo is a subtype of arr Foo but mut arr mut Foo is not a subtype of mut arr Foo)
  • the subtyping relation between structures and interfaces is declared explicitely


fn <function name>(<args>*) -> <return type> {

Return type can be omitted if it is Void


fn bar(i: Int, b: Bool) -> String {
   return "Hello"

A non-void function must contain a return <value> for each control-flow path in the function. If the function has return type Void, then return is not required but may be used (without a value) for early exit.

Parameters may not be named. This is particularly useful for the main function when the program ignores its arguments (as unused named parameters produce a warning):

fn main(arr String){


val <name>: <type> = ...

Type may be omitted in almost all cases, except if the right hand-side is a ternary operation involving a complex hierarchy of structures and interfaces. vars are defined similarly. E.g.:

val x: Int = 0;
val str = "Rattlesnake";

vars (but not vals) can be reassigned: x = <new value>


Constants can only be of primitive types. Their name must be lowercase.

const <name>: <type> = <value>

Type may be omitted, e.g. const anwser = 42

Control structures


if <cond> {
} else if <cond> {
} else {

or without else branch:

if <cond> {

While loop

while <cond> {

For loop

for <stat>;<cond>;<stat> {


for var i = 0; i < #array; i += 1 {

Tail calls

Tail calls are eliminated only if explicitly requested. This is done by adding ! between the name of the called function and the parameters list: recurse!(arg1, arg2).


Unary operators

  • -: opposite of an Int or a Double
  • !: logical negation of a Bool
  • #: length operator for Strings and arrays

Binary operators

  • Mathematical: +, -, *, /, % (can be combined with =: +=, /=, etc.)
  • Comparisons (between Ints or Doubles): <, >, >=, <=
  • Equality: ==, != (strings are compared by structure, structs are compared by reference)
  • Logical: &&, || (implement lazy evaluation of second operand)
  • String concatenation: +

Ternary operator

when <cond> then <expr1> else <expr2>

Cast/type conversion

Additionaly to casts, the following conversions can be performed:

  • Int <-> Char
  • Int <-> Double

Syntax: <expr> as <type>, e.g. 10 as Double, x as Foo

Type tests and smartcasts

Syntax: <expr> is <type>


interface Foo {}
struct Bar : Foo { x: Int }
val f: Foo = ...
val t = when f is Bar then f.x else 0;    // smartcast on ternary operator
val condition = f is Bar && f.x == 42;    // smartcast on &&
if (f is Bar){                            // smartcast on if statement
    ... = f.x;


Terminates the program with an exception: panic <message>, e.g.
panic "forbidden argument " + arg

Built-in functions

The compiler replaces calls to these functions with special instructions.

  • print(s: String): displays s on the console
  • ?ToString(...) with ? one of int, double, char, bool, and the corresponding parameter type (e.g. intToString(Int) -> String): conversion to a string
  • toCharArray(s: String): converts a string into an array of all its characters (the returned array is mutable)


Tests are defined similarly to functions, but fn is replaced by test and there is no parameters list. Failures are reported using panic:

test exampleTest {
    val i = 1 + 1;
    if i != 2 {
        panic "We have a problem!"


Lexer and parser are inspired from and, respectively.

Backend uses the ASM bytecode manipulation library:


Simple procedural programming language, statically typed and compiled to JVM bytecode







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