Clustering suite designed to run HDBSCAN on a dataset multiple times with multiple parameters and perform statistical analysis on the results.
For each run, HDBSCAN will be performed on the dataset with each parameter. The results for each run will be accumulated and stored in its respective directory.
- python3.5+
- pip 10.0+
Navigate to desired directory and create a virtual environment. IMPORTANT: Make sure to set the default interpreter as python3.
virtualenv -p python3 --no-site-packages [desired environment name]
Navigate to environment directory and activate the environment.
cd [environment]
source bin/activate
Clone this repository into the environment.
git clone
Install necessary packages. Order is important.
pip install numpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
Save config.json.template as config.json.
cp config.json.template config.json
Using the table below, set the parameters in config.json as desired.
Parameter | Description | Example |
runs | Number of times to run HDBSCAN with set of parameters | 50 |
data | Path to dataset to be clustered | "data/luteo-1796-1798.txt" |
partition:column | Column used to partition data | 3 |
partition:start | Starting value for partition (everything less is left out) | 6000 |
sample | Sample size of the dataset. Set 0 to use entire dataset post partition | 12000 |
norm:method | Desired method for normalization. Available methods: standard_score, feature_scale | "feature_scale" |
norm:columns | Columns to be normalized (ex. [4,5,10]) | [4,5] |
range | Columns to be included in the clustering, starting at 0 | [4,12] (columns 4 through 12 will be used in clustering) |
parameters:range | If set of desired parameters are a range. Set to false if running with individual values | true |
parameters:option | Cluster criterion, minimum cluster size or minimum sample size. Look below for more information. | "min_cluster_size" |
parameters:min | Range or set of values to be used for each run. [2,10,1] will use parameters from 2 to 10 in steps of 1 if range is set to true. [2,5,10,30] will use parameters 2,5,10, and 30. | [2,10,1] |
threads | Number of threads to use within HDBSCAN algorithm | 4 |
Make sure environment is active.
source [environment]/bin/activate
Run the suite.
Results will be stored in RESULTS/[starting time and date]/*
Log will be stored in LOGS/[starting time and date].log
Open-source HDBSCAN extenstion to Python's scikit-learn machine learning library