To use the dots, on a fresh installation of Arch linux(not tested on other distros but might work) execute
cd ~
git clone .local
link .local/lib/dotfiles/pam_environment to home
ln -s ~/.local/lib/dotfiles/pam_environment ~/.pam_environment
to get a wallpaper, link an image to ~/pix/current*
(check ~/.local/etc/X11/xinitrc to change this)
execute the xinit wrapper x
on the shell to start the x server
| |---bin/ <!-- added to PATH -->
| | |---experimental/ <!-- for unused and experiemental scripts -->
| | |---scripts/ <!-- added to PATH -->
| | |---wrappers/ <!-- added to PATH -->
| |---etc/ <!-- XDG_CONFIG_HOME -->
| |---lib/ <!-- XDG_LIB_HOME(non-standard) -->
| | |---dotfiles/ <!-- archived files or for the install script -->
| | |---python/ <!-- contains -->
| | |---root/ <!-- root files -->
| |---mnt/ <!-- directory for mtp(android mounting) -->
| |---opt/ <!-- contains local repos like dwm, dmenu, etc -->
| |---share/ <!-- XDG_DATA_HOME -->
| |---tmp/ <!-- for temporary files and unused xdg-user-dirs(etc/user-dirs.dirs) -->
| | |---desktop/
| | |---public/
| | |---templates/
| |---var/
| | |---cache/ <!-- XDG_CACHE_HOME -->
| | |---lib/ <!-- XDG_STATE_HOME(non-standard) -->
| | |---log/ <!-- XDG_LOG_HOME(non-standard) -->
- Using the xdg variable structure inspired from ayekat's dotfiles
- the set-up script is lib/dotfiles/, although that is not necessary to get the aliedots experience
- {packages,foreign packages} i use are in lib/dotfiles/{pkglist,foreignpkglist}.txt
- lib/root contains files that should be hard linked to / with the same folder structure
- symbolic links might be better
- a PKGBUILD is a possibility will not be cross distro compatible
- the user and the(currently non-existent) root crontab will be available in lib/dotfiles/crontab
- if a different XDG_CONFIG_HOME is used, the variable at the line matching
^set preview_script
in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ranger/rc.conf needs to be changed
for procrastinatingREWRITE
if the script/other file needs rewriting laterSource
indicating the original source of a part of the scriptIDEA
for code that might not work on other systemsDependencies
for changes that might be reverted later
- share/ranger/bookmarks: only first line changes pretty quickly(mark ' is saved there)
- share/zsh/.zsh_history: very long and has unneccesarily long diffs when commiting
- etc/MediaHuman/YouTube to MP3.conf: same as above except this file is much less useful
- this might be a really bad idea but what if i could symlink
then just use gitignore to track only the files i need. can't really think of any security issues now - etc/environment.d/*: don't know a way to transfer them to shell variables