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Paquita Cabeza.

This is my spectrwm configuration repository. No fancy prog-rock refs this time.

This theme tries to stay as close to Epitaph in both keybindings and ease of use (i think...).

Provided font files belong to the JetBrainsMono family by nerd fonts. Files are provided as-is, without any modifications. Provided wallpapers are the same as included in Epitaph, see Epitaph's file for copyright / author recognition.




This rice is a lesser version of Epitaph, reduced to be as simple as spectrwm allows me to be.

To run this you'll need:

  • spectrwm 3.5.0
  • Perl v=5.36 or higher.
  • libanyevent-perl or equivalent in your distribution. Or use CPAN.
  • A pulseaudio interface (via pulseaudio or pipewire-pulse).
  • pactl and pamixer.
  • cmus, because it's a peak music player.
  • rofi using the provided config.rasi file. Make sure to copy it or adapt yours.
  • tilix as the provided spectrwm.conf suggests or your own terminal emulator.
  • emacsclient as it is autostarted. It's highly recommended to learn emacs, it will increase your obo greatly.
  • nitrogen to set your wallpapers.
  • picom for not-ugly, absolutely not pretty decorations that try to keep picom's GPU hunger from striking.
  • gcc or any other C compiler for the provided batteryd.c written by Suavesito. Minor modifications made.
  • setxkbmap for the keyboard rofi script.
  • dunst for notifications, si señor.

The bar script.

Using elements from ponjo, crototoco, padalustro, timulo and crotolamo, this script is a reduced version of genesis in Epitaph, it essentially outputs less modules, ideal for window managers that provide a bar with their own modules + script output.

All format characters can be found in this source code with the following notation: +@fg=n; where n is any number from 0 to 9.

You can use perl to replace these formatters with blank formatters for other bars like:

  • lemonbar

  • dzen2

  • xmobar


use v5.36;

my $source_code = do { local $/; <STDIN> };
$source_code =~ s/\+\@fg=[0-9];/%{F-}/g;        # Lemonbar or use
$source_code =~ s/\+\@fg=[0-9];/<fc=#000000>/g; # Dzen2
$source_code =~ s/\+\@fg=[0-9];/<fc=#000000>/g; # Xmobar

# TODO: Expand with fg and similar formatting opts

print $source_code;

Run the Perl script with the source code as input and redirect the output to a new file. For example:

./ < source_code.txt > modified_source_code.txt

Known bugs

  • Bar is not completely stable, it might die at random or make the wm stuck. If this happens logout using the power menu rofi script.

  • Spamming volume changes might freeze bar. This means holding down the key.

Any help in solving these or improvements to are welcome.