MaxAPY is a yield farming gas-optimized and capital-efficient vault implemented in Solidity, designed to optimize yield through various strategies, and earn interest in ERC20 tokens. It relies on the safety of the battle-tested Yearn's yVault and the innovation of MaxAPY.
├── MaxApyRouter.sol
├── MaxApyVault.sol
├── MaxApyVaultFactory.sol
├── helpers
│ ├── AddressBook.sol
│ └── VaultTypes.sol
├── interfaces
│ ├── Hop
│ │ └── ISwap.sol
│ ├── IAlgebraPool.sol
│ ├── IBalancer.sol
│ ├── IBeefyVault.sol
│ ├── ICellar.sol
│ ├── IConvexBooster.sol
│ ├── IConvexRewards.sol
│ ├── ICurve.sol
│ ├── IHypervisor.sol
│ ├── IMaxApyRouter.sol
│ ├── IMaxApyVault.sol
│ ├── IStakingRewardsMulti.sol
│ ├── IStrategy.sol
│ ├── IUniProxy.sol
│ ├── IUniswap.sol
│ ├── IWETH.sol
│ ├── IWrappedToken.sol
│ ├── IWrappedTokenGateway.sol
│ ├── IYVault.sol
│ └── IYVaultV3.sol
├── lib
│ ├── Constants.sol
│ ├── ERC20.sol
│ ├── FixedPoint96.sol
│ ├── Initializable.sol
│ ├── LiquidityRangePool.sol
│ ├── LiquidityTokenMath.sol
│ ├── OracleLibrary.sol
│ └── ReentrancyGuard.sol
├── periphery
│ └── MaxApyHarvester.sol
└── strategies
├── base
│ ├── BaseBeefyCurveStrategy.sol
│ ├── BaseBeefyStrategy.sol
│ ├── BaseConvexStrategy.sol
│ ├── BaseConvexStrategyPolygon.sol
│ ├── BaseHopStrategy.sol
│ ├── BaseSommelierStrategy.sol
│ ├── BaseStrategy.sol
│ ├── BaseYearnV2Strategy.sol
│ └── BaseYearnV3Strategy.sol
├── mainnet
│ ├── USDC
│ │ ├── convex
│ │ │ └── ConvexCrvUSDWethCollateralStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── sommelier
│ │ │ └── SommelierTurboGHOStrategy.sol
│ │ └── yearn
│ │ ├── YearnAjnaDAIStakingStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── YearnDAIStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── YearnLUSDStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── YearnUSDCStrategy.sol
│ │ └── YearnUSDTStrategy.sol
│ └── WETH
│ ├── convex
│ │ └── ConvexdETHFrxETHStrategy.sol
│ ├── sommelier
│ │ ├── SommelierMorphoEthMaximizerStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── SommelierStEthDepositTurboStEthStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── SommelierTurboDivEthStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── SommelierTurboEEthV2Strategy.sol
│ │ ├── SommelierTurboEthXStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── SommelierTurboEzEthStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── SommelierTurboRsEthStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── SommelierTurboStEthStrategy.sol
│ │ └── SommelierTurboSwEthStrategy.sol
│ └── yearn
│ ├── YearnAaveV3WETHLenderStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnAjnaWETHStakingStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnCompoundV3WETHLenderStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnV3WETH2Strategy.sol
│ ├── YearnV3WETHStrategy.sol
│ └── YearnWETHStrategy.sol
└── polygon
├── USDCe
│ ├── beefy
│ │ ├── BeefyCrvUSDUSDCeStrategy.sol
│ │ ├── BeefyMaiUSDCeStrategy.sol
│ │ └── BeefyUSDCeDAIStrategy.sol
│ ├── convex
│ │ ├── ConvexUSDCCrvUSDStrategy.sol
│ │ └── ConvexUSDTCrvUSDStrategy.sol
│ └── yearn
│ ├── YearnAaveV3USDTLenderStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnAjnaUSDCStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnCompoundUSDCeLenderStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnDAILenderStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnDAIStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnMaticUSDCStakingStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnUSDCeLenderStrategy.sol
│ ├── YearnUSDCeStrategy.sol
│ └── YearnUSDTStrategy.sol
└── WETH
└── hop
└── HopETHStrategy.sol
To install Foundry:
curl -L | bash
This will download foundryup. To start Foundry, run:
We are using a nightly version of Foundry, so you will need to run the following command to install the nightly version:
foundryup -v nightly-f625d0fa7c51e65b4bf1e8f7931cd1c6e2e285e9
To install Soldeer:
cargo install soldeer
git clone
soldeer install
forge build
Create a .env
file and create the necessary environment variables following the example in env.example
To run the unit tests:
forge test --mt test
To run the invariant(stateful fuzz) tests:
forge test --mt invariant
To run the invariant(stateless fuzz) tests:
forge test --mt testFuzz
We created a custom suite to run and test the protocol in a mainnet local fork.This allows to interact with a mock protocol in the most realistic environment possible.
Fetch the local environment variables from the dotenv file:
source .env
Run the local fork:
anvil --fork-url $RPC_MAINNET --fork-block-number $FORK_BLOCK_NUMBER --accounts 10
Note: It's recommended using one of the private keys provided by anvil for testing
forge script script/local/MaxApy.s.sol:DeploymentScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY --broadcast -vvv --legacy
Use the sh utils for easier interactions :
This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE file for details.