Packages | Version & Downloads |
AspNetCore.Live.Api.HealthChecks.Server | |
AspNetCore.Live.Api.HealthChecks.Client |
- Background
- System Architecture
- Server
- Asp Net Core Api
- Real-Time Monitoring app
- Live - Trigger & publish Health Checks
An Asp Net Core Web Api has a Health Checks system built into it.
This project taps into that system & makes the generated Health Report,
available to Monitoring applications, in real-time.
The Client package, installed in the Api, runs the Health Check periodically,
and uploads the generated Health Report to the Server SignalR Hub.
The Hub sends a web socket push notification to the connected Monitoring apps,
notifying them of the Health Report in real-time.
The system can comprise of multiple APIs & multiple Monitoring Apps.
All connecting to the same Server Hub.
Each Api Client has a ReceiveMethod & SecretKey.
The ReceiveMethod is the method, the Monitoring apps have to listen to.
All Health Reports of that Api are published to this ReceiveMethod.
The Server has to be set up for each Api Client's ReceiveMethod & SecretKey.
When a Monitoring app makes a connection request to the Server, the ReceiveMethod & SecretKey have to be provided when you Authenicate.
All connections to the Server (from the Api Client & Monitoring apps) are authorized using ReceiveMethod & SecretKey.
You can use a Console app as a Health Checks Server.
Just create one with Web Sdk (project file):
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
Then, plug in the Server package.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
//Load the Clients dynamically
builder.Services.AddScoped<IClientsService, ClientsService>();
builder.Services.AddLiveHealthChecksServer(options =>
//Optional - Save Health Check info with Report to MongoDB database.
//Set UseDatabase flag to true.
//Provide the MongoDB connection string.
options.UseDatabase = true;
options.DatabaseConnectionString = "mongodb://localhost:27017/ServerDb";
var app = builder.Build();
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
A Client (Api) with a ReceiveMethod & SecretKey are set up in the Server.
The Api publishes to the Server with this information.
The Server sends push notification to the ReceiveMethod, if the Client's SecretKey matches that on the Server.
You implement Server interface IClientsService to get the list of Clients.
The list can be stored in a database table (for eg.).
You could fetch the list from the database & cache it.
This way you do not need a Server shutdown to add a new Client Api to the system.
You can create a special Client account with ReceiveMethod of * and a SecretKey.
This account can be used by Monitoring apps that want to get notifications for all Apis in the system,
on the same SignalR connection.
public class ClientsService : IClientsService
public async Task<ClientSettings[]> GetClientsAsync()
//The Clients list below is hard-coded but,
//You can fetch the Clients from a database (for eg.) and
//You can cache the Clients too.
return await Task.FromResult(new ClientSettings[]
new ClientSettings
ReceiveMethod = "SampleApiHealth",
SecretKey = "43bf0968-17e0-4d22-816a-6eaadd766692"
new ClientSettings
ReceiveMethod = "SampleApi2Health",
SecretKey = "ae6f9a48-259b-4d03-9956-a2bf8838aaa4"
//Monitoring app connecting with ReceiveMethod *
//will receive notifications for all ReceiveMethods in the system.
new ClientSettings {
ReceiveMethod = "*",
SecretKey = "f22f3fd2-687d-48a1-aa2f-f2c9181364eb"
In your Api add the Client Nuget package.
builder.Services.AddHealthChecks() //Required - add all your health checks
.AddCheck<SampleHealthCheck>("Sample Health Check Api 1")
//Add Live Health Checks Client
.AddLiveHealthChecksClient(settings =>
//You can set the health check interval
//by a Cron Expression.
settings.HealthCheckIntervalCronExpression = "* * * * *";
//Or in minutes
//settings.HealthCheckIntervalInMinutes = 1;
settings.HealthCheckServerHubUrl = "https://localhost:5001/livehealthcheckshub";
settings.ReceiveMethod = "SampleApiHealth";
settings.SecretKey = "43bf0968-17e0-4d22-816a-6eaadd766692";
//Providing ClientId is optional. Good for tracking in the logs.
settings.ClientId = "Sample Api";
settings.PublishOnlyWhenNotHealthy = false;
//Optional - transform your health report to as you want it published.
settings.TransformHealthReport = healthReport => new
status = healthReport.Status.ToString(),
results = healthReport.Entries.Select(e => new
key = e.Key,
value = e.Value.Status.ToString()
The ReceiveMethod is the SignalR method that Monitoring app needs to listen to.
The SecretKey must be the same between Server & Api.
Set PublishOnlyWhenNotHealthy to true if you want to publish anomalies,
ie those Health Reports with not Healthy status.
The Server sends the Health Report as a real-time push notification.
Note:- You can host a Server & Client in the same Api too.
The Monitoring App connects to the Server using a SignalR Client library.
Then, the App authenticates & listens to the ReceiveMethod to start receiving push notifications.
If you want to receive notifications for all ReceiveMethods in the system, on the same connection,
use the special Client account with ReceiveMethod of *, set up on the Server.
The ClientId is optional, but useful in the logs.
.NET C# sample
var Connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
Connection.On<string>("SampleApiHealth", report =>
//Handle report here
Connection.On<string>("SampleApi2Health", report =>
//Handle report here
await Connection.StartAsync();
await Connection.SendAsync("AuthenticateAsync", new
ReceiveMethod = "*",
SecretKey = "f22f3fd2-687d-48a1-aa2f-f2c9181364eb",
ClientId = "Monitoring App"
TypeScript sample
const signalr = require('@microsoft/signalr')
connection: any;
connection = new signalr.HubConnectionBuilder()
connection.on("SampleApiHealth", (report: any) => {
//Handle report here
connection.on("SampleApi2Health", (report: any) => {
//Handle report here
.then(() => connection.invoke("AuthenticateAsync",
ReceiveMethod : "*",
SecretKey : "f22f3fd2-687d-48a1-aa2f-f2c9181364eb",
ClientId : "Monitoring App"
If you want to receive notification from a specific Api,
you can Authenticate with that Api's ReceiveMethod & SecretKey.
The ClientId is optional, but useful in the logs.
connection.On<string>("SampleApiHealth", report =>
await connection.StartAsync();
await Connection.SendAsync("AuthenticateAsync", new
ReceiveMethod = "SampleApiHealth",
SecretKey = "43bf0968-17e0-4d22-816a-6eaadd766692",
ClientId = "SampleApi"
To Disconnect example:
.NET C# sample
await Connection.SendAsync("DisconnectAsync");
await Connection.DisposeAsync();
TypeScript sample
if (connection != null) {
connection = null;
I have provided a sample real-time health checks monitoring web app.
The sample web app is containerized & there is an docker image you can download from DockerHub.
Besides, the Client package running the Health Check on the Api itself, periodically,
you can run a Health Check and publish the Health Report to the Server.
You can trigger a Health Check, at any point (eg. on the occurance of a specific Exception), from anywhere, in your API,
by injecting the Client package's IMyHealthCheckService interface and,
calling the CheckHealthAsync method.
This method is a wrapper around the built-in Health Check system's HealthCheckService.
and then, publish the generated Health Report to the Server yourself,
by calling the PublishHealthReportAsync method.
This has machine learning implications too.
Eg. In your app, you can trap certain types of database exceptions,
and in the error handler, you can trigger the health checks & publish the Health Report,
to the Server & on to the Monitoring apps,
in real-time.
So, this way you can learn the internal state of your app & the machine.