hi setup and data files copied from zach-lawless/gym-wordle
To play one game of Wordle using a random agent run main_kelly_v2.py
The list of all possible guesses is stored in gym_wordle/data/5_words.txt
A length 417 MultiDiscrete space representing a 1D int array where:
- index[0] = number of guesses remaining
- [1..27] = binary, whether each of the 26 letters has been guessed
- [[status, status, status, status, status] for _ in WORDLE_CHARS] = binary, where status has codes
- [1, 0, 0] -- char is definitely not in this spot
- [0, 1, 0] -- char may be in this spot
- [0, 0, 1] -- char is in this spot
In order to step through the environment, supply env.step()
with an integer corresponding to the index of the desired guess in the word list
The reward structure for the game is below:
- If the player guesses the hidden word in six guesses or fewer, the environment returns
. - If the player hasn't guessed the hidden word but still has guesses remaining, the environment returns
. - If the player is out of guesses and hasn't guessed the hidden word, the environment returns
Right now just prints the state space