C++ program to edit bitmap images
Compile with g++ -o out colors.cpp
After executing you will be prompted to input the name of the file you want to edit and the effect you want to apply:
0: Select Hue - applies grayscale effect to every color outside of the hue interval selected
1: Remove Hue - applies grayscale effect to only to colors inside of the hue interval selected
2: Shift Hue - shifts the hue of colors inside the range selected by a certain amount
3: Shift Hue and Grayscale - shifts the hue of colors inside the range selected by a certain amount and applies grayscale to the rest
4: Colorize - Changes the hue of an image to the specified value
5: Select RGB range - applies grayscale effect to every color outside of the rgb interval selected
6: Select RGB intervals - applies grayscale effect to every color outside of the R, G and B interval selected\
For the effects that apply grayscale there are 4 different types:
0: luma - R0.2126+G0.7152+B*0.0722
1: desaturation - (max(R, G, B)+min(R, G, B))/2
2: Custom Shades of Gray - enter the number of shades of gray to use
3: Custom Shades of Gray with Dithering - enter the number of shades of gray to use and apply dithering\