๐ Note: This curated list is your ultimate guide ๐ to acing MAANG+ interviews! Handpicked to cover the most essential Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) concepts, these problems ensure you build a solid foundation for your coding interviews ๐.
- ๐ข Arrays
- ๐ค Strings
- ๐ฏ Two Pointers
- ๐ฅ Stack & Queue
- ๐ Recursion & Backtracking
- ๐ป Dynamic Programming
- ๐ฒ Tree
- ๐ Graph & BFS/DFS
- ๐ Binary Search
- ๐ Greedy
- โ Math
- ๐ฃ Bit Manipulation
- ๐ Linked List
- ๐๏ธ Heap/Priority Queue
- ๐ช Sliding Window / Interval Problems
- Concepts: Hashing, Single-pass solution
- Why Important: Classic question testing array traversal and hash map usage.
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- Concepts: Sliding Window, Greedy
- Why Important: Tests ability to track min/max values in one pass.
- Concepts: Two-pointer approach
- Why Important: In-place array manipulation and partitioning technique.
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- Concepts: In-place updates, Two pointers
- Why Important: Frequently asked for array manipulation.
- Concepts: Sorting, Two pointers
- Why Important: Tests array manipulation and avoiding duplicates.
- Concepts: Prefix and suffix products
- Why Important: Classic problem without using division.
- Concepts: Prefix sums, Hashing
- Why Important: Common pattern for solving subarray sum problems.
- Concepts: Lexicographical ordering, In-place transformations
- Why Important: Tests the understanding of array rearrangements.
- Concepts: Sorting, Two Pointers
- Why Important: Extension of 2-sum and 3-sum patterns.
- Concepts: Floyd's Tortoise and Hare (Cycle detection)
- Why Important: Pattern for detecting cycles with constant extra space.
- Concepts: String traversal, Comparison
- Why Important: Basic string processing pattern.
- Concepts: Two pointers
- Why Important: Palindrome checks are very common in interviews.
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- Concepts: Sliding window, Hashing
- Why Important: Tests efficient sub-string search technique.
- Concepts: Hashing, Sorting
- Why Important: Common approach to grouping based on sorted keys.
Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses
- Concepts: Stack-based approach, String building
- Why Important: Handling mismatched parentheses is a common interview theme.
- Concepts: Expand around center, Dynamic programming
- Why Important: Shows multiple ways (center expansion, DP) to handle string DP.
- Concepts: Greedy, Mapping
- Why Important: Classical string + math combination.
- Concepts: String manipulation, Splitting
- Why Important: Tests in-place reversal logic.
- Concepts: Simulation, String building
- Why Important: Pattern-based re-indexing.
- Concepts: Sliding window, Frequency counts
- Why Important: Widely asked, tests multiple edge cases in string processing.
- Concepts: Dutch National Flag problem
- Why Important: Common partitioning approach.
- Concepts: Greedy, Counting frequency
- Why Important: Great example of multi-pass scanning.
Longest Repeating Character Replacement
- Concepts: Sliding window, Frequency counts
- Why Important: Classic substring + two-pointer approach.
Maximum Number of Visible Points
- Concepts: Geometry, Two pointers
- Why Important: Showcases advanced two-pointer usage.
Subarrays with K Different Integers
- Concepts: Sliding window, HashMap
- Why Important: Important for subarray + distinct element problems.
- Concepts: Stack, Track min in O(1)
- Why Important: Implementation detail & design.
- Concepts: Monotonic stack
- Why Important: Very common interview question pattern.
- Concepts: Stack, Queue
- Why Important: Data structure transformation.
- Concepts: Monotonic stack
- Why Important: Extension of next greater element.
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- Concepts: Stack usage
- Why Important: Expression parsing is common in interviews.
- Conceptual question
- Why Important: Understand the fundamental principle of recursive calls.
- Concepts: Divide and Conquer, Fast exponentiation
- Why Important: Basic recursion with optimization.
- Concepts: Backtracking
- Why Important: Foundation for generating combinations/powersets.
- Concepts: Backtracking, Swapping
- Why Important: Very commonly asked for generating permutations.
- Concepts: Backtracking, Branching
- Why Important: Tests handling repeated numbers in combinations.
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
- Concepts: Backtracking, String building
- Why Important: Common pattern for recursion tree building.
- Concepts: DFS, Backtracking
- Why Important: 2D grid backtracking.
- Concepts: Backtracking, Constraint checks
- Why Important: Quintessential backtracking problem.
Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets
- Concepts: Backtracking, Subset sum
- Why Important: Tests optimization with memoization or backtracking prunes.
- Concepts: Backtracking on a grid
- Why Important: Interviewers love variations of grid-based backtracking.
- Concepts: Kadaneโs algorithm
- Why Important: Most asked in interviews. Classic DP example.
- Concepts: Fibonacci pattern
- Why Important: Intro to DP basics.
- Concepts: DP with adjacency constraints
- Why Important: 1D DP with skipping constraints.
- Concepts: Unbounded knapsack pattern
- Why Important: Classic DP problem for combination sums.
Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Concepts: Binary search optimization, DP
- Why Important: Another all-time favorite DP problem.
- Concepts: Expand around center, DP
- Why Important: String-based DP problem focusing on substring checks.
- Concepts: 2D DP
- Why Important: Common 2D grid DP approach.
- Concepts: String DP
- Why Important: Tests the understanding of sequential DP states.
- Concepts: String DP, Checking dictionary subsets
- Why Important: Realistic scenarioโcommonly asked.
- Concepts: Two-pointer or DP approach
- Why Important: Very frequently asked, tests ability to calculate trapped water by heights.
- Concepts: Tree traversal, Recursion
- Why Important: Classic easy question to warm up with trees.
- Concepts: BFS/DFS
- Why Important: Checking symmetry via recursion or queue-based BFS.
- Concepts: DFS, Using stack
- Why Important: Basic traversal pattern, iterative vs recursive.
- Concepts: DFS, Postorder
- Why Important: Tests recursion on subtrees.
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
- Concepts: DFS
- Why Important: LCA is a must-know pattern for many advanced tree problems.
- Concepts: DFS with range constraints, Inorder checks
- Why Important: Checking BST property is a standard interview question.
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
- Concepts: BFS
- Why Important: Foundation for BFS on trees.
- Concepts: BFS or DFS
- Why Important: Classic BFS level-by-level variant.
- Concepts: Inorder traversal
- Why Important: BST property usage + traversal.
- Concepts: DFS, Postorder
- Why Important: Common tricky question involving returning multiple info up the recursion.
- Concepts: BFS/DFS
- Why Important: Fundamental grid connectivity.
- Concepts: Topological Sort, DFS
- Why Important: Must-know approach for scheduling/dependency problems.
- Concepts: Graph traversal, HashMap
- Why Important: Tests deep copy of graph structures.
- Concepts: BFS from boundary
- Why Important: BFS on 2D grids with region identification.
All Paths From Source to Target
- Concepts: DFS, Backtracking
- Why Important: Paths enumeration in a DAG.
- Concepts: BFS/DFS, Graph coloring
- Why Important: Classic bipartite check is widely asked.
- Concepts: Dijkstraโs Algorithm
- Why Important: Weighted graph shortest path in coding interviews.
- Concepts: Union-Find or DFS
- Why Important: Basic connectivity checks in graphs.
Critical Connections in a Network
- Concepts: Tarjanโs algorithm, Bridges in a graph
- Why Important: Advanced graph problem frequently asked in top-tier interviews.
- Concepts: BFS in word transformation
- Why Important: Classic BFS with transformation rules.
- Concepts: Iterative / Recursive search
- Why Important: Foundation of efficient searching.
Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Concepts: Modified Binary Search
- Why Important: Very common pattern for rotating arrays.
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
- Concepts: Binary search boundaries
- Why Important: Edge-case heavy problem, testing boundary conditions.
- Concepts: Binary search, Local maxima
- Why Important: Interviews love variations of peak-finding.
- Concepts: Binary search on partitions
- Why Important: Top-tier problem testing advanced binary search skills.
- Concepts: Greedy, Circuit completeness
- Why Important: Determining start point for a circular tour.
- Concepts: Greedy, Counting
- Why Important: Scheduler-type problems are popular.
- Concepts: Interval scheduling
- Why Important: Sorting intervals + selecting optimal sets is a frequent ask.
- Concepts: Stack-based greedy
- Why Important: Minimizing a numeric string with constraints.
- Concepts: Greedy distribution
- Why Important: Another commonly asked problem in big tech.
- Concepts: Overflow checks, Math manipulation
- Why Important: Edge cases with integer bounds.
- Concepts: Bitwise addition, String manipulation
- Why Important: Shows how to handle carry bits in strings.
- Concepts: Numerical palindrome check
- Why Important: Quick math problem, easy to slip on edge cases.
- Concepts: Bitwise check or repeated multiplication
- Why Important: Basic check thatโs often asked as a warm-up.
- Concepts: Parsing, Edge cases
- Why Important: Handling whitespace, signs, overflow.
- Concepts: Bitwise operations, Full adder logic
- Why Important: Fundamental for bit manipulation mastery.
- Concepts: Bit manipulation, n & (n-1)
- Why Important: Basic yet common in bit manipulation discussions.
- Concepts: Pointers, Iteration, Recursion
- Why Important: Fundamental reversal logic.
- Concepts: Linked List pointers
- Why Important: Basic merging of sorted data.
- Concepts: Cycle detection (Floydโs Tortoise and Hare)
- Why Important: Classic question testing cycle detection.
- Concepts: Finding cycle start
- Why Important: Extension to cycle detection, a must-know.
Intersection of Two Linked Lists
- Concepts: Dual-pointer technique
- Why Important: Common pattern for list intersections.
- Concepts: Midpoint, Reverse second half
- Why Important: Tests combined knowledge of reversal, pointers, and palindrome check.
- Concepts: Divide and Conquer, Priority Queue
- Why Important: Often asked in big tech, extends merging concept.
- Concepts: Max-heap or Quickselect
- Why Important: Classic top-k problem.
Kth Largest Element in an Array
- Concepts: Heap or Quickselect
- Why Important: Very common question for partial sorting.
- Concepts: Max-heap or counting
- Why Important: Tests building strings from frequency constraints.
- Concepts: DP, Min-heap
- Why Important: Interesting approach mixing DP and heap logic.
- Concepts: Sliding window with conditional expansion
- Why Important: Variation of subarray with constraints.
- Concepts: Sliding window with partial sums
- Why Important: Perfect demonstration of window with a twist.
Feel free to dive into each section for detailed problems and discussions designed to prepare you comprehensively for your upcoming interviews. Remember, practice makes perfect!
โญ Tip: Click the badges next to problem names to filter by difficulty!
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