This project is a super light CSS Framework that could be used for the development of websites that demands the usage of a grid system, as a sample was created a clone of the Odin Project Dashboard, this project was developed using structure and methodology of The Odin Project. For this project, we have to implement the techniques learned in the Odin project as well as in the microverse program.
- HTML 5
- CSS3
- Breakpoints for small screens, medium and large screens.
- Classes to create columns and rows.
- Basic styles for almost all HTML elements.
- Add a larger color palette.
- Add more text utilities to change color and size.
Currently, this project doesn't count with automated tests for the moment.
Fork this repo and submit a PR for review and potential merge to the main branch. Feel free to leave feedback. 😄
👨💻 Gabriela Cruz
Github @viricruz
Email me at [email protected]
LinkedIn @viricruz
👨💻 Carlos Del Real
- Github: @carloshdelreal