What's Changed
- Feature/locations companies sectors by @tsubik in #1
- Feature/cp assessments by @tsubik in #2
- added Legislations resource by @kowal in #3
- Feature/litigations by @tsubik in #4
- added rake import task for legislation data by @kowal in #5
- add decorator for Legislation by @kowal in #6
- annotate models by @kowal in #7
- Feature/documents by @tsubik in #8
- Feature/litigation sides edit by @tsubik in #9
- (feature) added date_passed & document_types to Legislations by @kowal in #10
- Feature/targets model by @tsubik in #11
- (feature) connect legislations & litigations by @kowal in #12
- fix rubocop offences by @kowal in #14
- (feature) allow to select document types for legislation by @kowal in #13
- Add target type to targets by @tsubik in #15
- (feature)add visibility_status to Legislation and Litigation by @kowal in #16
- Feature/visibility status for locations by @simaob in #17
- Feature/visibility status for companies and targets by @simaob in #18
- Feature/as google cloud storage by @tsubik in #19
- friendlyid unify admin routes by @tsubik in #20
- Feature/register created by and updated by by @simaob in #21
- Feature/propagate created by and updated by by @simaob in #23
- add stimulus controller to prevent unsaved forms by @tsubik in #24
- Feature/revisit core entities by @tsubik in #22
- Dynamic admin tag pages by @tsubik in #26
- better structure for admin javascript files, quick gravatar by @tsubik in #25
- Moved shared published functionality to concern by @simaob in #27
- Renames locations model to geographies by @simaob in #28
- Feature/add language input to documents by @kowal in #29
- add cancel button on Litigation form by @kowal in #30
- Feature/enable multiple isins by @simaob in #31
- Feature/add documents to legislations by @kowal in #32
- Fix selected list positioning bug by @tsubik in #35
- add document upload to UI for legislations by @tsubik in #34
- update dependencies by @tsubik in #37
- Feature/events by @tsubik in #36
- Feature/data uploads by @tsubik in #33
- Feature/external legislation by @kowal in #38
- connect litigations with external legislations by @kowal in #39
- fix litigations data upload by @kowal in #40
- Chore/upload import cleanup by @kowal in #41
- Cleaning up CSS mess by @tsubik in #44
- add events to legislation by @tsubik in #42
- added Export Data sidebar by @kowal in #45
- Feature/account editing flow by @tsubik in #46
- Feature/documents export by @kowal in #43
- bundle update by @kowal in #47
- move bulk upload link to 'import/export' sidebar by @kowal in #49
- add not archived as active admin default scope by @tsubik in #50
- download events CSV for legislation and litigations by @kowal in #48
- Feature/data upload legislations by @kowal in #51
- feature/events for geographies by @kowal in #52
- make tabs URL addressable by @kowal in #53
- Feature/bulk upload companies by @kowal in #54
- (feature): legislations update - soft delete + batch actions (archive/destroy) by @kowal in #55
- (feature): bulk upload for Targets by @kowal in #56
- Seed sectors (names and CP benchmark units) by @kowal in #58
- do not create default admin user if it exists by @kowal in #60
- Feature/geography soft delete by @agwozdowski in #61
- Feature/import sector benchmarks by @tsubik in #59
- Feature/litigation soft delete by @agwozdowski in #62
- Feature/import cp assessments by @tsubik in #63
- Feature/company soft delete by @agwozdowski in #64
- Feature/target soft delete by @agwozdowski in #65
- Feature/import mq assessments by @tsubik in #66
- Feature/target events by @tsubik in #68
- Added comments to all entities by @agwozdowski in #70
- annotate models by @kowal in #73
- fixing mq assessment order, adding more colors by @tsubik in #72
- Feature/instrument type and instrument by @agwozdowski in #74
- adding country flags by @tsubik in #71
- (feature): TPI (sectors, companies) controllers, chart API & views by @kowal in #57
- GovernanceType and Governance in legislation by @agwozdowski in #76
- add missing legislation type to legislations by @tsubik in #77
- add last reported year to cp assessments by @tsubik in #78
- Feature/bulk import litigation sides by @tsubik in #79
- Feature/missing uploaders by @tsubik in #81
- Feature/get rid of aws by @tsubik in #83
- Feature/sectors clean up by @tsubik in #84
- Feature/cp assessments edit by @tsubik in #85
- Feature/geographies changes by @tsubik in #87
- Feature/ 'assessments levels over the years' chart by @kowal in #80
- Cclow/public pages scaffold by @tsubik in #86
- (fix): clean up code related to company CP performance chart by @kowal in #89
- Feature/cclow laws page ui by @batraisk in #88
- Feature/edit mq assessments vol1 by @tsubik in #92
- Add react rails by @aabdaab in #90
- Feature/rapzo frontend ui kit by @tsubik in #93
- Update labels to say Laws instead of Legislations that doesn't exist by @simaob in #94
- Feature/ocd fixes by @simaob in #95
- Feature/dynamic tpi companies assessment change by @tsubik in #91
- fix(home): applying more style fixes and extra assets by @rapzo in #96
- Scaffold bubble chart by @aabdaab in #97
- Fix/admin tags component by @tsubik in #98
- Feature/tpi company page styling by @tsubik in #99
- Feature/cclow litigations pages ui by @batraisk in #100
- Bubble Chart with real data by @aabdaab in #101
- Feature/cclow climate targets ui by @batraisk in #102
- Chore/cleanup js and styles by @tsubik in #103
- fix(tpi:footer): fix footer and subscribe as specified by @rapzo in #107
- Adds a table with the latest comments to the dashboard by @simaob in #105
- Add bubble chart legend, links, tooltip by @aabdaab in #104
- Feature/style sectors page by @tsubik in #106
- fix(tpi: footer): minor visual fixes on the footer by @rapzo in #108
- Feature/cclow geography overview by @batraisk in #109
- Feature/change flag provider by @simaob in #112
- feature/cclow-hero-section by @batraisk in #116
- Feature/optimize queries by @tsubik in #114
- Dropdown selector by @aabdaab in #117
- feature(tpi: testimonials): add testimonials scaffold properly styled… by @rapzo in #110
- Keep default filter in the page's context by @aabdaab in #118
- Feature/tpi styling vol2 by @tsubik in #115
- feature/cclow-footer by @batraisk in #120
- Feature/small back end tasks by @simaob in #121
- Rails6 by @tsubik in #124
- setting up production deploy files for cap by @simaob in #122
- Feature/tweak litigations by @simaob in #123
- Feature/changes to companies by @simaob in #126
- feature(tpi: promoted publications): added publications to tpi home by @rapzo in #125
- feature(tpi: publications): add publications mock pages by @rapzo in #129
- fix AA jquery by @tsubik in #128
- Fuzzy search/dropdown for Laws by @aabdaab in #130
- Search through correct keys - laws search dropdown by @aabdaab in #132
- TPI Production Ready Seeds by @simaob in #131
- Feature/cclow latest additions by @batraisk in #127
- add public-activity for tracking updates in publishable records by @kowal in #119
- Tpi/frontend tweaks by @tsubik in #135
- Feature/cclow events timeline by @batraisk in #136
- Add static pages management and dynamic routes by @aabdaab in #134
- improve(tpi): pie charts design by @rapzo in #138
- Feat: world map component by @sorodrigo in #137
- Tpi/another frontend tweaks by @tsubik in #139
- feature/cclow-tweaks_country_page by @batraisk in #141
- Feature/add tpi news by @simaob in #144
- fix not styled mode chart colors by @tsubik in #143
- Style static pages by @aabdaab in #140
- Feature/cp alignment by @tsubik in #145
- annotate models by @kowal in #147
- Feature/tpi charts last reported year by @tsubik in #146
- update rubocop, fix flaky test by @kowal in #148
- Testimonials management by @simaob in #150
- (feature): add user roles by @kowal in #149
- Add publications model and management by @simaob in #151
- Added a page with the mailchimp embed for newsletter by @simaob in #152
- TPI homepage polishing by @aabdaab in #153
- Tpi/data fixes and other by @tsubik in #154
- Feature/bubble chart improvements by @tsubik in #155
- Testimonials: remove avatar, make role optional by @simaob in #159
- Hook publications by @aabdaab in #158
- improve(tpi): improvements to homepage by @rapzo in #157
- Adds link to contact us and placeholder for signup area by @simaob in #160
- Feature/tpi user downloads by @tsubik in #161
- Fix TPI by @tsubik in #162
- Feature/add sectors and tags to pubs and news by @simaob in #163
- Feature/add google analytics by @simaob in #164
- Setup links on footer by @simaob in #166
- setup appsignal by @tsubik in #167
- Fixing import files and adding warning by @simaob in #169
- Feature/improve downloads by @simaob in #168
- feature(tpi): add search bar by @rapzo in #165
- Feature/cclow search results by @batraisk in #156
- fix open/close mobile menu by @tsubik in #171
- Adding social media tags by @simaob in #172
- Eslint by @tsubik in #174
- Bump puma from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 by @dependabot in #175
- Filtering publications by @aabdaab in #170
- Adds CCLOWPage model, uses STI by @simaob in #177
- Eslint fixes by @aabdaab in #178
- Feature/world map improvements vol1 by @tsubik in #176
- Hook up static pages cclow by @aabdaab in #181
- Starting by tidying up the Targets table by @simaob in #180
- Annotate models always forgotten by @tsubik in #184
- Feature/migrate laws data by @simaob in #183
- Add tooltip for the CCLOW map by @aabdaab in #182
- Feature/import litigation sides by @simaob in #185
- Feature/import source files by @simaob in #186
- fix(cclw): missing icons by @rapzo in #188
- Feature/map data by @tsubik in #187
- Map improve context scales by @tsubik in #189
- Add correct logo assets to CCLOW header, add missing links by @aabdaab in #191
- Fix/cclw/home page partners by @simaob in #193
- Feature/cclow search filter by @batraisk in #194
- Add most recent additions in CCLOW search dropdown by @aabdaab in #192
- Fix/litigations sidebar by @simaob in #196
- Adds targets API route per country by @simaob in #197
- fix(cclw): add lil world map picture to hero unit by @rapzo in #199
- Responsive CCLOW homepage by @aabdaab in #200
- Feature/cclow search filter by @batraisk in #202
- Cclow/search to the backend pgsearch by @tsubik in #198
- Add missing spacer on mobile homepage + responsive slider by @aabdaab in #201
- Responsive map by @aabdaab in #204
- add params[:q] to permitted params by @simaob in #205
- Feature/allow multiple sectors for publications by @simaob in #207
- Fixes routing constraints, I think by @simaob in #208
- Feature/latest information companies by @simaob in #206
- Make investors and supporters clickable on TPI homepage by @aabdaab in #211
- Fix publications layout by @aabdaab in #213
- Tpi/make sure only published companies seen by @tsubik in #212
- Feature/cclow search filter by @batraisk in #209
- Bump rack from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 by @dependabot in #214
- Upgrade octokit to remove warning from Faraday on server startup by @simaob in #218
- Use cp assessment publication date to select benchmark instead of assessment date. by @tsubik in #219
- Feature/cclow climate targets page by @batraisk in #215
- Missing climate targets in single law page by @aabdaab in #220
- Disable infinite feature of the carousel by @aabdaab in #222
- Feature/small tweaks and fixes by @simaob in #221
- Add dotted timeline to a single point event by @aabdaab in #223
- fix exporting litigations by @tsubik in #224
- Fix navbar's active item highlight by @rapzo in #225
- Fix litigation-sides importer - overriding records issue by @aabdaab in #226
- Fix hovering on navbar dropdowns in Edge by @aabdaab in #229
- Show research funding partners logos on homepage by @aabdaab in #230
- Instead of defining height, define width for the homepage logos by @aabdaab in #231
- Feature/tpi adjust date format by @simaob in #232
- fix(tpi): adjust partners banner to design specs by @rapzo in #227
- Add missing filters to litigations by @aabdaab in #228
- Make litigation sides linkable by @aabdaab in #233
- Fix background color of more options in Firefox by @aabdaab in #234
- Simplifies litigation sides filtering and adds specs by @simaob in #235
- Feature/cclow public downloads by @tsubik in #236
- Feature/quick changes to backend by @simaob in #237
- Feature/optimize cclow user downloads by @tsubik in #238
- Fix links color by @aabdaab in #240
- feature/tpi-cclow-sort-images by @batraisk in #241
- Add more information to the events on the timeline by @aabdaab in #239
- change images timestamps deafult value to nil by @tsubik in #242
- Feature/update slugs by @tsubik in #243
- Add latest company assessments csv to tpi user downloads by @tsubik in #244
- Feature/edit mq assessment answers by @tsubik in #247
- Feature/authorization rules ts by @tsubik in #246
- authorization rules by @kowal in #203
- Chore/updating dependencies by @tsubik in #251
- Add Litigation Cases exception for USA by @simaob in #249
- feature/link-to-country by @batraisk in #252
- Adds validation for geography_id in litigations by @simaob in #250
- Chore/improving security by @tsubik in #253
- Map changes by @aabdaab in #248
- fix companies/sectors dropdown no results message by @tsubik in #256
- base importer: add rollback_on_error option, default to false by @tsubik in #254
- Feature/admin youtube videos by @batraisk in #245
- use different cut off date then default one when parsing two digit year by @tsubik in #258
- Feature/history for cp units by @tsubik in #259
- Removed discardable controller as these are properly deletable. by @simaob in #261
- Avoid showing the future by @simaob in #262
- Add filtering by side a|b|c party type to litigations page by @aabdaab in #263
- Adds validation for publication date on news articles by @simaob in #265
- tpi/not active companies by @batraisk in #216
- sort laws and policies by last event date by @batraisk in #257
- Add button to edit data for logged in users by @aabdaab in #260
- feature/cclow-legislative-process-design by @batraisk in #268
- Feature/tpi sector cluster by @tsubik in #266
- Fix display of fixed-navbar on mobile screens by @aabdaab in #269
- add cait emissions data by @aabdaab in #255
- stream publication files until we resolve that differently by @tsubik in #270
- feature/cclow-tag-filtering by @batraisk in #267
- Feature/cclow missing filters by @batraisk in #273
- Feature/better cp assessment charts by @tsubik in #275
- feature/tpi-restrict-assessments by @batraisk in #271
- Improving laws search by @tsubik in #276
- feature/tpi-multiple-tooltips by @batraisk in #277
- feature/cclow-sort-litigation by @batraisk in #274
- feature/tpi-number-decimal-places by @batraisk in #278
- Feature/cclow sector filter by @batraisk in #279
- Cp charts more improvements by @tsubik in #280
- Fix/ambiguous column error by @tsubik in #281
- Bump nokogiri from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8 by @dependabot in #282
- update ruby version and fix travis by @tsubik in #283
- Fix queries by @tsubik in #285
- updates litigation-sources file and upload script by @simaob in #284
- bring back events timeline for legislations and litigations by @tsubik in #287
- Fix line clamp by @tsubik in #286
- Feature/country profile by @simaob in #289
- Feature/change publication date to datetime by @simaob in #291
- [TPI] Style static pages according to UI kit by @aabdaab in #293
- [CCLOW] Style static pages according to UI kit by @aabdaab in #292
- [TPI] Fix static pages grid - it should take up space of 9 columns by @aabdaab in #294
- feature/cclow-friendly_id-geographies by @batraisk in #290
- Feature/cclow cookies tooltip by @batraisk in #295
- bug/tpi-publications-filters by @batraisk in #296
- feature/cclow-friendly_id by @batraisk in #298
- Fix cp chart by @tsubik in #297
- Bump puma from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 by @dependabot in #299
- implement mobile versions of the Search page by @batraisk in #300
- More chart changes by @tsubik in #301
- Feature/cclow mobile country page by @batraisk in #302
- Fix/tpi/home page hero styles by @rapzo in #264
- updating dependencies by @tsubik in #304
- System tests by @tsubik in #303
- Updating csv files by @tsubik in #306
- Update deps by @tsubik in #307
- feature/tpi-mobile-sectors-page by @batraisk in #305
- some targets are without sectors, add includes for quicker download by @tsubik in #309
- Feature/tpi mobile sector show by @batraisk in #310
- Linking to the search results page from country page by @simaob in #311
- feature/tpi-mobile-company by @batraisk in #312
- Feature/tpi mobile publications by @batraisk in #313
- feature/tpi-pages by @batraisk in #314
- feature/cclow-publications-banner by @batraisk in #315
- bug/tpi-latest-information-link by @batraisk in #316
- feature/cclow-publications-mobile by @batraisk in #317
- feature/tpi-pages by @batraisk in #318
- Chore/update dependencies by @tsubik in #319
- Date filter updates by @tsubik in #320
- Allow a display name different from the resource by @simaob in #321
- Updates the available event types for legislation by @simaob in #322
- Bump puma from 4.3.3 to 4.3.5 by @dependabot in #323
- Bump kaminari from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 by @dependabot in #324
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 by @dependabot in #326
- Fix test update bundle by @tsubik in #327
- Collaborators partners logos by @faustoperez in #329
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 by @dependabot in #330
- fix target import and showing zero by @tsubik in #331
- Dependency update by @tsubik in #333
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 by @dependabot in #332
- Fix instruments by @tsubik in #334
- fix scroll anchor for load more button by @tsubik in #335
- fix cp tooltip interactions on mobile by @tsubik in #336
- Seo improvements title descr by @tsubik in #338
- admin panel: add preview button for some resources by @tsubik in #339
- Bump highcharts from 7.2.1 to 7.2.2 by @dependabot in #340
- Remove single geography legislation and litigation index pages by @tsubik in #341
- Add extra message for laws and policies filter when eu member selected by @tsubik in #342
- Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 by @dependabot in #343
- adding a rake task that cleans up wrongly imported characters by @tsubik in #344
- Fix framework sectoral laws determination by @tsubik in #345
- Fixing domain constraints by @tsubik in #308
- Fix targets import by @tsubik in #346
- Avoid crashing tracking activities index page by @simaob in #272
- Sitemaps by @tsubik in #347
- Display and group instruments by instrument types on law/policy page by @tsubik in #348
- Fixing validations import pack by @tsubik in #349
- Housekeeping by @tsubik in #350
- Improving data uploaders by @tsubik in #351
- add new litigation event types by @tsubik in #352
- removing old litigation event types by @tsubik in #353
- Setup GH Actions by @tsubik in #355
- Update dependencies, speed up tests by @tsubik in #357
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 by @dependabot in #354
- upgrade ruby to 2.7.2 by @tsubik in #360
- Codebase cleanup + couple hidden bugs found and fixed by @tsubik in #358
- Full text indices by @tsubik in #361
- fix unicode characters when importing by @tsubik in #362
- enable external laws upload, little refactoring by @tsubik in #363
- updating bundle and fixing offenses by @tsubik in #364
- Orderable content by @tsubik in #365
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 by @dependabot in #366
- External litigations count by @tsubik in #367
- CSV BOM UTF8 by @tsubik in #368
- Legislations Upload Cleanup by @tsubik in #369
- Update dependencies by @tsubik in #370
- Frontend cleanup by @tsubik in #371
- CSV upload instructions by @tsubik in #372
- Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 by @dependabot in #373
- Feature/cp alignment year by @tsubik in #378
- Security fixes by @tsubik in #385
- add sorting to instrument types, fix data upload to strip name and type by @tsubik in #387
- Bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 by @dependabot in #388
- Bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 by @dependabot in #383
- Bump color-string from 1.5.3 to 1.5.5 by @dependabot in #386
- Feature/CP alignment year changes by @tsubik in #389
- add linkedin button and twitter widget by @tsubik in #390
- add unlisted market cap group option by @tsubik in #392
- Feature/changes to user csvs by @tsubik in #397
- add presence validation for mq assessment methodology version by @tsubik in #399
- adjust for new cp alignment colors by @tsubik in #398
- add legislation, litigation ids to user downloads by @tsubik in #401
- Feature/lock adding some entities by @tsubik in #402
- Fix/script to update instrument types by @tsubik in #404
- Feature/tpi more alignment years by @tsubik in #403
- Feature/seeds for tpi publications and news by @tsubik in #406
- Feature/missing instruments governances uniqueness by @tsubik in #405
- Add just basic compatibility for ie11 by @tsubik in #408
- Rename Governances to Themes by @tsubik in #407
- Feature/improve csv export usability by @tsubik in #409
- Feature/tpi regional benchmarks by @tsubik in #410
- Feature/seo perf optimization by @tsubik in #411
- Change CP alignment colors for cement and steel by @tsubik in #414
- Use full text filters for selectable list component by @tsubik in #413
- Feature/cms improvements by @tsubik in #412
- Add data guide for tpi downloads by @tsubik in #415
- Chore/update packages by @tsubik in #416
- Feature/TPI banking tool by @tsubik in #417
- Feature/home page redesign by @tsubik in #418
- feat: Adding possibility to store Banking CP data as part of existing tables by @martintomas in #419
- feat: Banking CP controller actions for react components by @martintomas in #420
- feat: Export also Bank CP assessments by @martintomas in #421
- Show multiple charts with common legend by @Bluesmile82 in #422
- feat: Support new bank indicators by @martintomas in #423
- Feature/cp matrix by @Bluesmile82 in #424
- feat: Adding slug to publications by @martintomas in #425
- feat: Adding slug to publications by @martintomas in #426
- [WIP] Rails 6.1 by @tsubik in #359
- Feature/scroll hint by @Bluesmile82 in #427
- Feature/bank cp finalisation by @martintomas in #428
- Prod deploy - Bank CP assessments by @martintomas in #429
- feat: MQ Beta Scores by @martintomas in #430
- Feature/mq scores - DONT MERGE by @Bluesmile82 in #431
- Add focus on the Proceed button on render by @Bluesmile82 in #432
- Fix/beta feedback by @Bluesmile82 in #433
- feat: minor tweaks and fixes of MQ BETA scores by @martintomas in #434
- Fix/beta feedback 2 by @Bluesmile82 in #435
- Add feature tag to show the entry to beta data by @Bluesmile82 in #436
- Prod deploy - rest of Bank CP assessments and MQ BETA scores by @martintomas in #437
- Master by @martintomas in #438
- refactoring: Methodology is taken into accounts during calculation of MQ status by @martintomas in #440
- Fix bank assesment bubbles not showing by @Bluesmile82 in #441
- Production deploy by @martintomas in #442
- feat: adding beta_mq_assessments? to company model by @martintomas in #439
- ASCOR models + importers and Administration by @martintomas in #443
- refactoring: ASCOR models by @martintomas in #444
- feat: ASCOR export by @martintomas in #445
- feat: Allow to hide bank assessment results at charts by @martintomas in #446
- feat: Mark indicator as placeholder by @martintomas in #447
- feat: ASCOR layout by @martintomas in #448
- feat: ASCOR bubble chart data by @martintomas in #449
- feat: ASCOR emissions chart data by @martintomas in #450
- Create countries bubble chart by @barbara-chaves in #451
- feat: ASCOR assessments results per country by @martintomas in #452
- feat: Calculate ASCOR recent emissions by @martintomas in #453
- feat: Adding modals with info to ASCOR All countries page by @martintomas in #454
- Update countries bubble chart colors and tooltip by @barbara-chaves in #456
- Add filters by @barbara-chaves in #455
- Add chart responsivity, update country selector by @barbara-chaves in #458
- feat: React component that handles EP.1.a.i and EP.1.a.ii metrics by @martintomas in #457
- feat: React component for ASCOR country selector by @martintomas in #459
- feat: Add possibility to define number of supporters without logo by @martintomas in #460
- Add mobile version of the countries emissions bubble chart by @barbara-chaves in #461
- feat: Separate page for Publications by @martintomas in #462
- feat: Enhancing further separate publication page by @martintomas in #463
- feat: separate publication page by @martintomas in #464
- feat: Minor tweaks required before MQ BETA feature deploy by @martintomas in #465
- feat: Final linkedin widget owned by TPI by @martintomas in #466
- feat: Final Linkedin widget with feeds by @martintomas in #467
- Change countries sizes range by @barbara-chaves in #469
- Typo fixing and remove text from contact section by @barbara-chaves in #470
- Add min Y axis value and change X axis ticks by @barbara-chaves in #468
- feat: Adding research notes to ASCOR assessment model by @martintomas in #471
- Sync with master by @martintomas in #472
- feat: Render metrics for areas which don't have any indicators by @martintomas in #473
- refactoring: Adding new bubble sizes to ASCOR tool by @martintomas in #474
- Bubble chart fixes by @barbara-chaves in #476
- feat: Service which calculates data for EP.2 chart by @martintomas in #475
- Countries emissions chart fixes by @barbara-chaves in #477
- Update green buttons by @barbara-chaves in #478
- Fix title position by @barbara-chaves in #479
- Add country benchmarks chart by @barbara-chaves in #480
- Prod release by @martintomas in #481
New Contributors
- @batraisk made their first contribution in #88
- @rapzo made their first contribution in #96
- @sorodrigo made their first contribution in #137
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #175
- @faustoperez made their first contribution in #329
- @martintomas made their first contribution in #419
- @Bluesmile82 made their first contribution in #422
- @barbara-chaves made their first contribution in #451
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Vizzuality/laws_and_pathways/commits/v0.6