- Scala
- Play framework
- Slick
- S3
- Docker
This project is a social network built with the Play Framework, enabling users to interact through posts, friendships, and profile management. It features secure, JWT-based authentication for actions like creating, editing, and deleting posts, managing friend requests, and updating profiles. Users can view timelines, like posts, manage friendships, and paginate through content efficiently. Profile management includes updating personal details, uploading profile pictures, and searching for other users. Overall, the platform focuses on providing a secure and scalable environment for social interactions with efficient request handling and user-friendly features.
To create a Docker image for the application, follow these steps:
- Reload SBT Settings:
sbt reload
- Publish the Docker Image Locally:
sbt docker:publishLocal
This command packages the app into a Docker image and stores it on your local machine. You can use this image to run the app in a Docker container.
First, create a Docker network that allows containers to communicate with each other. Run the following command:
docker network create some-network
Start a MySQL container with the necessary environment variables. Replace my-secret-pw
and social_network
with your desired MySQL root password and database name:
docker run --name=some-mysql --env=MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw --env=MYSQL_DATABASE=social_network --network some-network --volume=/var/lib/mysql --restart=no --runtime=runc -d mysql:8.1
Start a Minio Server container with the required environment variables. This will also create a bucket named profile-pictures
docker run -p 9000:9000 -d --name minio-server --env MINIO_ROOT_USER="admin" --env MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="password" --env MINIO_DEFAULT_BUCKETS="profile-pictures" --network some-network bitnami/minio:latest
Place the picture in the opt/bitnami/minio-client folder
Use the Minio Client (mc) to copy the default image to the profile-pictures
mc cp default.jpg local/profile-pictures
Now, start your Play Framework application container, specifying the required environment variables and the port to expose. Replace the environment variables with your actual values:
docker run --name play-app --network some-network --env=AwsAccessKeyId=admin --env=AuthSecretKey=Ao921kdkedoekdopkO@jjasidjasidHUHWUF782174812 --env=AwsSecretAccessKey=password --env=PLAY_HTTP_PORT=8080 --env=APPLICATION_SECRET=MzU4NEZFRkQ3MTE3MTVGMjRERkFDNUUzMTYyQUE= --rm -p 8080:8080 praksa-vuk-radmilovic-backend -Dconfig.resource=production.conf
Your Play Framework application should now be accessible at http://localhost:8080.