The Washington State Department of Agriculture developed WaCSE for the Washington State Conservation Commission to use in the Sustainable Farms and Fields (SFF) program. Intended users are the Conservation Commission, conservation districts, growers, and anyone interested in reducing agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This interactive tool estimates the reduction of GHG emissions from different conservation practices across Washington’s diverse counties.
This app was built using the Golem framework.
You can install and run the development version of WaCSE from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Amy Swan, Mark Easter, Adam Chambers, Kevin Brown, Stephen A. Williams, Jeff Creque, John Wick, Keith Paustian. 2022. COMET-Planner Dataset, Version 3.0, Build 1, and COMET-Planner Report: Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Evaluation for NRCS Conservation Practice Planning. A Companion report to COMET-Planner. COMET-Planner Report.
EPA. Greenhouse Gases Emissions Equivalencies Calculator. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2022.
When using WaCSE, we appreciate if you include a reference in your publications. To cite the web application, please use:
Ryan JN, Michel L, Gelardi DL. 2022. WaCSE: A shiny web app for comparing climate benefits of agricultural conservation practices. Natural Resources Assessment Section, Washington Department of Agriculture.
To view the source code, visit the GitHub repository.
If you have feedback or would like to report a bug, please submit an issue or contact the app developer: Jadey Ryan at [email protected].