Investing-Association-Winners A program for finding the winners of the WPI Investing Association Stock Market Competition Winners for D-term 2024 in java. This program takes into account the one month return rates of individual student portfolio's to find winners of the stock market game. Please note that for each meeting a member attended, $5000 was added into their balance. The starting balance was $100,000.
The one month S&P 500 return was -2.5%. Our winners managed returns up to 54% this month! Please note that exec Syed Shazli and Anand Pagnis were in the top 5. However, exec cannot win prizes.
Winners Mehul C.= $154,351 Cmorreale= $129,570 Emre S.= $115,978 Musalan= $113,812 Zach Newburg= $109,216 To run for next year, please update all usernames and their corresponding wealth. Input manually the number of meetings everyone attended to find the top 5 winners.