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How to make New Post

jmakous edited this page Jul 22, 2020 · 10 revisions

Where to add every lesson ?

Create every lesson as a 'post' inside the _post directory within the

The organization is as:

                |_____Astronomy Lessons/_posts/
                |_____Astronomy Lectures/_posts/

                |______General Engineering/_posts/

Create the post

Again, the _posts folder is where your blog posts live. You typically write posts in Markdown, HTML is also supported.

To create a post, add a file to appropriate _posts directory with the following format:


Where YEAR is a four-digit number, MONTH and DAY are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP is the file extension representing the format used in the file. For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:

Create a fie in github by navigating the correct directory and clicking the create file button

All post files must begin with front matter which is typically used to set a layout or other meta data. For a simple example this can just be empty:

layout:     post
title:      Building a Horn
date:       2020-07-09 21:21:29
summary:    How a build a 21cm Horn Antenna
tags: ['School Teachers', 'Students', 'Hobbyists' ]
  • Every post can have one tag or multiple tags. It will automatically split a string entry if it contains whitespace. The website software Jekyll expects multiple items mapped to the key tags For example, while front matter tag: classic hollywood will be processed into a singular entity "classic hollywood", front matter tags: classic hollywood will be processed into an array of entries ["classic", "hollywood"].

  • After the front matter make your lesson post formatting it in markdown refer to this cheat sheet

  • Add buttons to link to a pdf of your document using this syntax

[Google]({: .button}

In Google Drive:

  • open document
  • click share button (upper right corner)
  • in dialogue box, change the get link attribute to Anyone with link with viewer priveleges. see screenshot below

screen shot of changing permissions of google document


  • To add a Google doc lesson:
[Velocity Curve Lesson]({: .button}
  • Add YouTube link: Add an embedded window of the youtube video to the page by simply paste the youtube link on the markdown page on its own. Please add a couple of lines describing the contents of the video at minimum.

The above video is a video of Kermit the frog singing the rainbow connention

View the live webpage: