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An FPGA-based lightweight CAN bus controller. 基于FPGA的轻量级CAN总线控制器。


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FPGA based lightweight CAN bus controller.


CAN bus, as the most commonly used communication bus in the industrial and automotive fields, has the advantages of simple topology, high reliability, and long transmission distance. The non-destructive arbitration mechanism of CAN bus relies on the frame ID. CAN2.0A and CAN2.0B respectively specify 11bit-ID (short ID) for standard frame and 29bit-ID (long ID) for extended frame. In addition, there is a data request mechanism called remote frame. For more knowledge about CAN bus, please refer to this article.

This repository implements a lightweight but complete FPGA-based CAN controller, the features are as follows:

  • Platform Independent: pure Verilog design and can run on various FPGAs such as Altera and Xilinx.
  • Local ID can be fixed to any short ID.
  • Send : Only supports sending frames with data length of 4Byte with local ID.
  • Receive : Support to receive frames with short ID or long ID, the data length of the received frame is not limited (that is, 0~8Byte is supported).
  • Receive frame ID filtering : It will only receive data frames that match the filters, their are a short ID filter and a long ID filter independently.
  • Automatic respond to remote frame : When the received remote frame matches the local ID, it will automatically send the next data in the send buffer. If the send buffer is empty, the data sent last time will be sent repeatedly.


Design Code

The RTL folder contains 3 design source files, and the functions of each file are as follows. You only need to include these 3 files into the project, and call the top-level module can_top.v to develop your CAN communication applications.

File Name Function Note
can_top.v top module of CAN controller.
can_level_packet.v Frame-level controller, responsible for parsing or generating frames, and implementing non-destructive arbitration. called by can_top.v
can_level_bit.v Bit-level controller, responsible for sending and receiving bits, with falling edge alignment mechanism against frequency offset. called by can_level_packet.v


RTL Simulation

Simulation related files are in the SIM folder, where:

  • tb_can_top.v is the testbench for can_top.v
  • tb_can_top_run_iverilog.bat is the command script for iverilog simuation

tb_can_top.v describes a scenario where 4 CAN bus devices communicate with each other. Each CAN device is an instantiation of a can_top.v, Figure1 shows the detailed parameters of each device, the relationship between each device can be drawn as In the figure on the left, the arrows represent the receiving relationship between them. In addition, the driving clock of each CAN device is not strictly 50MHz, but has a different ±1% offset, which is to simulate whether the "auto-alignment" mechanism of the CAN controller can work against a worse practical situation.

Figure1 : parameters of 4 CAN devices in this simuation.

Before using iverilog for simulation, you need to install iverilog , see: iverilog_usage

Then double-click tb_can_top_run_iverilog.bat to run the simulation. After the simulation runs, you can open the generated dump.vcd file to view the waveform.


Module Manual

This section introduces how to use can_top.v . Its interface is shown in the table below.

signal Direction Width Function Introduction
rstn in 1 low-level reset set rstn=0 before starting to work, then set rstn=1.
clk in 1 driving clock The frequency needs to be >10 times of CAN baud rate.
can_rx in 1 CAN-PHY RX connected to the CAN-PHY chip (such as TJA1050).
can_tx out 1 CAN-PHY TX connected to the CAN-PHY chip (such as TJA1050).
tx_valid in 1 send valid send data valid.
tx_ready out 1 send ready ready to accept a send data.
tx_data in 32 send data send data.
rx_valid out 1 recv valid receive data valid.
rx_last out 1 recv last rx_last=1 means the rx_data is the last byte of a frame.
rx_data out 8 recv data receive data.
rx_id out 29 recv ID rx_id[28:0] is the long ID, rx_id[10:0] is the short ID.
rx_ide out 1 recv ID type rx_ide=1 indicates a long ID, rx_ide=0 indicates a short ID.

Connect to CAN bus

can_rx and can_tx signal of can_top.v need to be constraint to FPGA pins and connected to the CAN-PHY chip (such as TJA1050), as shown in Figure 2.

Figure2 : connect to CAN bus via a CAN-PHY chip.

Note: Although the pins of the FPGA (can_rx, can_tx) can be 3.3V, the power supply of the CAN-PHY must be 5V, otherwise the driving force for the CAN bus is not enough. In addition, CAN-PHY should share the ground with FPGA.

User send interface

tx_valid, tx_ready, tx_data of can_top.v constitute the streaming input interface, they all align with the rising edge of clk, and are used to write a data to the send buffer. As long as the send buffer is not empty and the CAN bus is not busy, the CAN controller will send the data in the send buffer to the CAN bus.

tx_valid and tx_ready are a pair of handshake signals. The waveform is as shown in the figure below. Only when both tx_valid and tx_ready are 1, tx_data is written to the send buffer. tx_ready=0 means that the send buffer is full, even if tx_valid=1, the send buffer cannot be written. However, when the transmission frequency is not high enough to occupy the CAN bus, the buffer will never full, that is tx_ready=0 can be ignored.

Take the following figure as an example, the 3 data D0, D1, and D2 are written into the cache. After D0 is written, the send buffer goes full, resulting in tx_ready=0, and D1 is not successfully written in the next 3 cycles, but in the 4th clock cycles tx_ready becomes 1 and D1 is written. After the sender actively idles for 2 clock cycles, D3 is also written.

Each data is 4Byte (32bit), as long as the FIFO is not empty, the CAN controller will automatically send one frame at a time, one data per frame, and the frame data length is 4Byte.

          _    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
 clk       \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \
                      _____________________________             _____
tx_valid  ___________/                             \___________/     \________
          _________________                   ________________________________
tx_ready                   \_________________/
                      _____ _______________________             _____
tx_data   XXXXXXXXXXXX__D0_X___________D1__________XXXXXXXXXXXXX__D3_XXXXXXXXX

User receive interface

rx_valid, rx_last, rx_data, rx_id, rx_ide of can_top.v form the receive interface, they all align with the rising edge of clk.

When a data frame matching [ID filter](#Configure ID filter) is received on the CAN bus, the data bytes of this frame will be sent out one by one. Assume that the length of the data frame is n bytes, then rx_valid will continuously generate n cycles of high level, meanwhile, rx_data will generate a received data byte for each clock cycle, and at the last cycle it will make rx_last=1, indicating the end of a frame. During this whole process, the ID of the frame appears on rx_id (if it is a short ID, only the lower 11 bits are valid), meanwhile, rx_ide indicates whether the frame is a long ID or a short ID.

An example waveform of the receive interface is as follows. In this example, the module has successively received a short ID data frame with data length = 4, and a long ID data frame with data length = 2.

             __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
 clk      __/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_
                    _______________________             ___________
rx_valid  _________/                       \___________/           \_________
                                      _____                   _____
rx_last   ___________________________/     \_________________/     \_________
                    _____ _____ _____ _____             _____ _____
rx_data   XXXXXXXXXX__0__X__1__X__2__X__3__XXXXXXXXXXXXX__0__X__1__XXXXXXXXXX
                    _______________________             ___________
rx_id     XXXXXXXXXX__________ID1__________XXXXXXXXXXXXX____ID2____XXXXXXXXXX
rx_ide    _____________________________________________/

Unlike the user send interface, the user receive interface has no handshake mechanism. You must capture rx_data when rx_valid=1 or you will lose it.

Parameter: Local ID

can_top.v has a 11bit parameter called LOCAL_ID, which determines the ID of the frame sent by the module. In addition, when can_top receives a remote frame with the ID that matches LOCAL_ID, it will respond (ACK) and automatically reply a data frame (if the sending buffer is empty, it will automatically reply to the last sent data).

Parameter: ID filter

The RX_ID_SHORT_FILTER and RX_ID_SHORT_MASK parameters of can_top.v are used to configure the short ID filter. Assume that the short ID of the received data frame is rxid , and the matching expression is:


The above expressions satisfy the syntax of Verilog or C language. When the expression is true, rxid matches the filter, so that the data frame can be responded (ACK) by the module and its data will be forwarded to the user receive interface. When the expression is false, the rxid does not match the filter, then the data frame will not only not be acknowledged (ACK), and will not be forwarded to the user receive interface.

Similarly, the RX_ID_LONG_FILTER and RX_ID_LONG_MASK parameters are used to configure the long ID filter. Assume that the long ID of the received data frame be rxid , and the matching expression is:


The MASK parameter can be called a bit-wise wildcard, bits with mask=1 must match FILTER, bits with mask=0 we don’t care, it can match either 1 or 0 .

For example, if you want to receive 0x122, 0x123, 0x1a2, 0x1a3 these 4 short ID, you can configure it as:

RX_ID_SHORT_MASK   = 11'h17e

Timing Parameter

The three timing parameters default_c_PTS, default_c_PBS1, default_c_PBS2 of can_top.v determine the default length of the 3 time segments (PTS segment, PBS1 segment, PBS2 segment) of a bit on the CAN bus, For the meaning of these three paragraphs, see this article. In general, the division factor is calculated as follows:

division = default_c_PTS + default_c_PBS1 + default_c_PBS2 + 1

The baud rate calculation method of the CAN bus is:

CAN_baud = clk_freq / division

For example, in the case of clk=50MHz, the following parameter combinations can be used to configure various common CAN baud rates.

division CAN baud default_c_PTS default_c_PBS1 default_c_PBS2
50 1MHz 16'd34 16'd5 16'd10
100 500kHz 16'd69 16'd10 16'd20
500 100kHz 16'd349 16'd50 16'd100
5000 10kHz 16'd3499 16'd500 16'd1000
10000 5kHz 16'd6999 16'd1000 16'd2000


FPGA Demo Project

fpga_top.v in FPGA folder is an example of calling can_top.v to achieve simple CAN communication. To run the demo, create an FPGA project and include the following source files:

  • fpga_top.v and uart_tx.v in the FPGA folder.
  • can_top.v , can_level_packet.v , can_level_bit.v in the RTL folder.

fpga_top.v is the top module of the project, and its pins are connected as follows:

module fpga_top (
    // clock, Connect to the oscillator on the FPGA board, the frequency must be 50MHz.
    input  wire           CLK50M,
    // UART (TX only), connect to the serial port of the computer (for example, through the USB to UART module), not necessary.
    output wire           UART_TX,
    // CAN bus, connect to CAN-PHY chip.
    input  wire           CAN_RX,
    output wire           CAN_TX

The behavior of this demo is:

  • The local (aka the FPGA's) ID is configured as 0x456, so all outgoing data frames have an ID of 0x456.
  • The ID filter is configured to only receive data frames with short ID=0x123 or long ID=0x12345678.
  • Send an incremental data to CAN bus every second.
  • The data frame received on the CAN bus (which match the ID filter) will be send to the computer via UART.

Note: In this demo, the baud rate of CAN is 1MHz; the configuration of UART is 115200,8,n,1

Figure3 : Hardware connection.

When I tested this example, I connected the CAN bus to a USB-CAN debugger, as shown in Figure3. Then compile the project and program to FPGA, open the USB-CAN debugger supporting software, you can see the following phenomenon:

  • The software will receive a frame from the FPGA every second, the data length is 4 (DLC=4), and the value is incremented. Such as the unboxed part in Figure4.
  • Send a data frame with short ID=0x123 or long ID=0x12345678 in the software, it will display "send successfully", as shown in the blue boxes in Figure4, indicating that the frame was responded by the FPGA. Simutinously, if you connect the UART to the serial port of the computer, you can see the printed data in serial port software such as "Serial Assistant", "HyperTerminal", "putty" or "minicom".
  • Send a remote frame with short ID=0x456 in the software, then the FPGA will immediately respond with a data frame, as shown in the red box in Figure4.
Figure4: Phenomenon observed on the software of the USB-CAN debugger.






基于 FPGA 的轻量级CAN总线控制器



本库实现了一个轻量化完备FPGA CAN总线控制器,特点如下:

  • 平台无关 :纯 Verilog 编写,可以在 Altera 和 Xilinx 等各种 FPGA 上运行。
  • 本地ID可固定配置为任意短ID
  • 发送 : 仅支持以本地ID发送数据长度为4Byte的帧。
  • 接收 : 支持接收短ID长ID的帧,接收帧的数据长度没有限制 (即支持 0~8Byte ) 。
  • 接收帧过滤 : 可针对短ID长ID独立设置过滤器,只接收和过滤器匹配的数据帧。
  • 自动响应远程帧 : 当收到的远程帧本地ID匹配时,自动将发送缓存中的下一个数据发送出去。若缓存为空,则重复发送上次发过的数据。



RTL 文件夹包含3个设计代码文件,各文件功能如下表。你只需将这3个文件包含进工程,就可以调用顶层模块can_top.v进行CAN通信业务的开发。

文件名 功能 备注
can_top.v CAN控制器的顶层
can_level_packet.v 帧级控制器,负责解析或生成帧,并实现非破坏性仲裁 can_top.v调用
can_level_bit.v 位级控制器,负责收发bit,具有抗频率偏移的下降沿对齐机制 can_level_packet.v调用



仿真相关的文件都在 SIM 文件夹中,其中:

  • tb_can_top.v 是针对 can_top.v 的 testbench 。
  • tb_can_top_run_iverilog.bat 包含了运行 iverilog 仿真的命令。

tb_can_top.v 描述了4个CAN总线设备互相进行通信的场景,每个设备都是一个 can_top 的例化,图1是每个设备的详细属性,各个设备互相接收的关系可以画成左侧的图,箭头代表了各个设备之间的接收关系。另外,每个CAN设备的驱动时钟并不严格是50MHz,而是有不同的±1%的偏移,这是为了模拟更糟糕的实际情况下,CAN控制器的“自动对齐”机制能否奏效。


使用 iverilog 进行仿真前,需要安装 iverilog ,见:iverilog_usage

然后双击 tb_can_top_run_iverilog.bat 运行仿真。仿真运行完后,可以打开生成的 dump.vcd 文件查看波形。



本节介绍如何使用 can_top.v ,它的接口如下表。

信号名 方向 宽度 功能 备注
rstn 输入 1 低电平复位 在开始工作前需要拉低复位一下
clk 输入 1 驱动时钟 频率需要是CAN总线波特率的10倍以上,内部分频产生波特率
can_rx 输入 1 CAN-PHY RX 应通过FPGA的普通IO引出,接CAN-PHY芯片 (例如TJA1050)
can_tx 输出 1 CAN-PHY TX 应通过FPGA的普通IO引出,接CAN-PHY芯片 (例如TJA1050)
tx_valid 输入 1 发送有效 当=1时,若发送缓存未满(即tx_ready=1),则tx_data被送入发送缓存
tx_ready 输出 1 发送就绪 当=1时,说明发送缓存未满。与 tx_valid 构成一对握手信号
tx_data 输入 32 发送数据 当tx_valid=1时需要同步给出待发送数据 tx_data
rx_valid 输出 1 接收有效 当=1时,rx_data上产生1字节的有效接收数据
rx_last 输出 1 接收最后字节指示 当=1时,说明当前的rx_data是一个帧的最后一个数据字节
rx_data 输出 8 接收数据 当rx_valid=1时,rx_data上产生1字节的有效接收数据
rx_id 输出 29 接收ID 指示当前接收帧的ID,若为短ID则低11bit有效
rx_ide 输出 1 接收ID类型 =1 说明当前接收帧是长ID,否则为短ID


can_top.vcan_rxcan_tx 接口需要引出到FPGA引脚上,并接CAN-PHY芯片(比如TJA1050),如图2




can_top.vtx_valid, tx_ready, tx_data 构成了流式输入接口,它们都与 clk 的上升沿对齐,用于向发送缓存中写入一个数据。只要发送缓冲区不为空,其中的数据会逐个被CAN控制器发送到CAN总线上。

tx_validtx_ready 是一对握手信号,波形如下图,只有当 tx_validtx_ready 都为1时,tx_data 才被写入缓存。tx_ready=0 说明缓存已满,此时即使 tx_valid=1 ,也无法写入缓存。不过,当发送频率不高而不至于让 CAN 总线达到饱和时,可以不用考虑缓存满(即tx_ready=0)的情况。



          _    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
 clk       \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \
                      _____________________________             _____
tx_valid  ___________/                             \___________/     \________
          _________________                   ________________________________
tx_ready                   \_________________/
                      _____ _______________________             _____
tx_data   XXXXXXXXXXXX__D0_X___________D1__________XXXXXXXXXXXXX__D3_XXXXXXXXX


can_top.vrx_valid, rx_last, rx_data, rx_id, rx_ide 构成了接收接口,它们都与 clk 的上升沿对齐。



             __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
 clk      __/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \_
                    _______________________             ___________
rx_valid  _________/                       \___________/           \_________
                                      _____                   _____
rx_last   ___________________________/     \_________________/     \_________
                    _____ _____ _____ _____             _____ _____
rx_data   XXXXXXXXXX__0__X__1__X__2__X__3__XXXXXXXXXXXXX__0__X__1__XXXXXXXXXX
                    _______________________             ___________
rx_id     XXXXXXXXXX__________ID1__________XXXXXXXXXXXXX____ID2____XXXXXXXXXX
rx_ide    _____________________________________________/



can_top.v 有一个11bit的参数(parameter)叫 LOCAL_ID,它决定了该模块发送的帧的ID;同时,当can_top接收的远程帧的ID与LOCAL_ID匹配时,就会进行响应(ACK),并自动回复一个数据帧(如果发送缓存为空,则自动重复回复上次发过的数据)。


can_top.vRX_ID_SHORT_FILTERRX_ID_SHORT_MASK 参数用来配置短ID过滤器。设收到的数据帧的ID是 rxid (短),匹配表达式为:


以上表达式满足 Verilog 或 C 语言的语法。表达式为真时,rxid 与过滤器匹配,这样的数据帧才能被模块响应(ACK),并将其数据转发到用户接受接口上。表达式为假时,rxid 与过滤器不匹配,该数据帧不仅不会被响应(ACK),也不会被转发到用户接受接口上。

同理,RX_ID_LONG_FILTERRX_ID_LONG_MASK 参数用来配置长ID过滤器。设收到的数据帧的ID是 rxid (长),匹配表达式为:


MASK 参数可以被称为通配掩码,掩码=1的位必须匹配 FILTER ,掩码=0的位我们不在乎,既可以匹配1也可以匹配0。

例如你想接收 0x122, 0x123, 0x1a2, 0x1a3 这4种短ID,则可配置为:

RX_ID_SHORT_MASK   = 11'h17e


can_top.vdefault_c_PTS, default_c_PBS1, default_c_PBS2 这3个时序参数决定了CAN总线上的一个位的3个段(PTS段, PBS1段, PBS2段)的默认长度,这3个段的含义详见这个科普文章。总的来说,分频系数计算如下:

分频系数 = default_c_PTS + default_c_PBS1 + default_c_PBS2 + 1


CAN波特率 = clk频率 / 分频系数

例如,在 clk=50MHz 的情况下,可以使用如下参数组合来配置出各种常见的波特率。

分频系数 波特率 default_c_PTS default_c_PBS1 default_c_PBS2
50 1MHz 16'd34 16'd5 16'd10
100 500kHz 16'd69 16'd10 16'd20
500 100kHz 16'd349 16'd50 16'd100
5000 10kHz 16'd3499 16'd500 16'd1000
10000 5kHz 16'd6999 16'd1000 16'd2000



FPGA 目录里的 fpga_top.v 是一个调用 can_top.v 进行简单的 CAN 通信的案例。要运行该案例,请建立 FPGA 工程,并加入以下源文件:

  • FPGA 目录里的 fpga_top.v 、 uart_tx.v 。
  • RTL 目录里的 can_top.v 、 can_level_packet.v 、 can_level_bit.v 。

fpga_top.v 是项目的顶层,其引脚连接方法如下:

module fpga_top (
    // clock ,连接到 FPGA 板上晶振,频率必须为 50MHz 
    input  wire           CLK50M,
    // UART (TX only), 连接到电脑串口(比如通过 USB 转 UART 模块),不方便接 UART 可以不接
    output wire           UART_TX,
    // CAN bus, 连接到 CAN PHY 芯片,然后 CAN PHY 连接到 CAN 总线(如图2)
    input  wire           CAN_RX,
    output wire           CAN_TX


  • 本地 (也就是 FPGA) 的 CAN ID 配置为 0x456 ,因此所有发出的数据帧的 ID 都为 0x456 。
  • ID 过滤器配置为只接收 短ID=0x123长ID=0x12345678 的数据帧。
  • 每一秒向发送缓存中送入一个递增的数据,该数据帧并会被发送到 CAN 总线上。
  • 将 CAN 总线上接收到的(也就是符合过滤器配置)的数据帧通过 UART 发送给电脑。

注:该案例中,CAN 的波特率为 1MHz ; UART 的格式为 115200,8,n,1


我在测试该例子时,将 CAN 总线与一台 USB-CAN调试器 相连,如图3。然后编译工程并下载FPGA,打开USB-CAN调试器的配套软件,可以看到如下现象:

  • 软件中每秒会收到一个 FPGA 发来的帧,数据长度DLC=4,值递增。如图4中没框的部分。
  • 在软件中发送短ID=0x123长ID=0x12345678的数据帧,会显示“发送成功”,如图4中蓝框的部分,说明该帧被 FPGA 响应了。同时,如果你把FPGA的UART连接到了电脑的串口,则可以在“串口助手”或“HyperTerminal”等软件上看到打印出的数据内容。
  • 在软件中发送短ID=0x456的远程帧,FPGA 会立即响应一个数据帧,如图4中红框的部分。


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