This repository contains code of Web archiving and URN:NBN Resolver infrastructure. We will recreate all production machines into this repository. It will easen our developement > testing > staging > production workflow, improve documentation and makes our lives better in general
Packer, Vagrant and Ansible are sources of magic. Packer enables us to build VM images, Vagrant makes deployment easy peasy and Ansible provision our enviroment. Right now we use bento/centos-7.2 image, but we will prepare our basic box later based on bento code.
Vagrant 1.8.1
Prepeare dev stage without credentials for developers withou access to VAULT_PASSWORD.
Inspiration for different stages configuration:,,
Automate admin passwords hashes into vault encrypted shared/encrypted/admin_name file.
with homebrew as package manager:
brew cask install vagrant virtualbox
brew install ansible
whatever install vagrant ansible
You are on your own, but general idea is run ansible from VM, vagrant works from windows ok:
git clone
cd machines/project_dir
export VAULT_PASSWORD="Secret_password_is_shared_among_NLCR_admins_and_other_good_folks"
vagrant up
vagrant provision
vagrant destroy
It just keeps some common stuff such as public keys and ansible vault encrypted user passwords
Admins have rights to sudo, as they are part of the wheel group. But each admin have to provide password for ansible by running.
python -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt; import getpass; print sha512_crypt.encrypt(getpass.getpass())"
and giving output into shared/encrypted/admin_name. This file have to be encrypted with Ansible Vault using shared password.
ansible-vault encrypt shared/encrypted/admin_name
see: and