AR Meow Meow is a mobile Augmented Reality game that can let users raise virtual cats on their smartphone through feeding, playing, and completing tasks anywhere, anytime. Meow o(-w-)o
- Why the Project is Useful
- What the Project Does
- Architecture and Data Flow
- How to get started
- Hosting URL
- AR
- VR
- Hosting URL
- Others
- File Structure
- Maintain and Contributions
- Help and Contacts
- Past Weekly Reports
- Resources
AR Meow Meow is a simple and adorable game for helping people relax themselves in daily life.
The problem we are trying to solve with AR Meow Meow is “the desire for more social interaction that people who may be lonely and are unable to interact with others in these trying times have, and simultaneously, the desire for cat lovers who want to keep a cat but are unable to due to whatever circumstances”.
Our goal is to make a mobile Augmented Reality game that can let users raise virtual cats on their smartphone. We want to let users play with their virtual cats such as feeding and greeting at anywhere, anytime. Meanwhile, we also want to realize and encourage interactions between different users by letting them socialize with other cat lovers using our app.
We realized that some cat lovers might not be able to raise real cats at their home, and due to the special situation this year, we know many people need more social interaction. We want to take these into consideration and design an AR app to solve the problems. The app will allow users to raise virtual cats, decorate their living space, and also let them socialize with other cat lovers.
Users can enjoy the experience of raising virtual cats with complete storyline in AR mode, and can also collaborate with other users to play with cats together in a shared VR club room.
- Custom storyline & multiple endings: The player acts as a cat shelter caregiver in the AR mode. When the player gets a new cat, they begin a subgame with a pre-designed storyline and an "outcome" that is determined by both the presets and player actions. All cats come with individual settings and background stories. We also designed several "special tasks" that have significant impact on the outcome. The players are very likely to give their cats a satisfying outcome by completing their pre-assigned special task. Here is a detailed list of the possible outcomes and special tasks:
- outcomes:
- Cat got happily adopted.
- Cat stayed at the shelter.
- Cat ran away from you and became the stray king/queen.
- Cat passed away.
- The special tasks are:
- I’m really craving some sardine. Could I have five of that?
- I’m feeling so lonely. Can you play with me using some toy for 10 times?
- outcomes:
- Random generation of cat appearance, age, background: A cat of random color, age and background will be generated in our database when users start the game. The difference of each cat might result in different stories and endings.
- cat default settings:
- Appearance. Cats with more popular breeds are more likely to be adopted (Outcome 1).
- Age: 0.5, 3, 15 years old. The old cat is very likely to pass away in the end (Outcome 4).
- Background story:
- stray cat
- spent their entire life at the pound
- ran away from their home
- recently abandoned by owner
- traveller cat
- cat default settings:
- Physical environment detection to place cats: Our app is able to search for and detect real-world objects and surfaces through processing camera images in AR sessions. Therefore, users can place their cat in a "reasonable" position in the real world.
- Interaction including feeding, playing and decorating: Users can feed or play with cats using various types of items, and also decorate their living space by placing different preset furnitures around.
- Hunger and mood level system: We designed hunger and mood levels systems which will reflect the status of the cat after each user-cat interaction, and these different levels will cause different outcomes.
- Currency and shop system: We also designed a currency and shop system that allows users to purchase new items for cats. The coins can be earned through daily login.
- Complete tasks to obtain shared items. Food and furniture are only obtained by completing certain tasks. The new items appear in the room after finishing a task. The players can:
- get a can by listening to an advertisement uninterruptedly. Shall the user choose to stop the ad before it finishes, they will lose the reward. A short music piece is currently used as a placeholder for ads. (Tap the "ads for rewards" button)
- get a fish by feeding the cats 2 cans. (Tap a cat on its head to feed a can)
- get decorations. They will unlock the cardboard box, elephant toy, and cat tree by feeding 1, 2, and 3 fish respectively. (Tap the "feed together" button to feed a fish)
- Synced interactions and decorations. Interactions like feeding, cat movements, and placing of the furniture are all synced among different users. The hunger and mood bars for the cats also update quickly upon a change.
- The task board. Since we implemented a “task” system to motivate players to explore the VR mode, we also displayed a task board to keep track of the shared progress. As shown in this screenshot, we currently have 1 can and 10 fish that we can possibly get for today. We are also one furniture away from unlocking all the decorations offered by the game.
- Interact with cats and change background music. The players can watch several cat movements by tapping on the cats' nametags to interact with them. Every 3 clicks unlock a new background music for the player, with the total number of bgm's being 4. The players can tap the "change bgm" button to change background music. The bgm is not shared among players.
The AR scene is rendered by Babylon.js. The interactions and data processing are handled by Firebase functions.
User data is stored in Firestore (a NoSQL database).
The VR scene is rendered by Babylon.js. The interactions are sent to a Heroku server and will be broadcast to
all the users by the server.
Main page:
- [email protected](password: alicealice) has no cats, a user should start game
- [email protected](password: bobbob) has a cat "kitty" created on 12.13, a user should continue game
- [email protected](password: carolcarol) has a cat "cc" created on 12.10, a user should continue game
- [email protected](password: daviddavid) has a cat "cute" created on 12.7, a user should end game and restart
Android users can enter the URL and view the AR scene with Chrome.
iOS users can enter the URL and view the AR scene with WebXR Viewer(downloaded from App Store).
2D GUI does not work in WebXR Viewer.
PC: Some browsers(such as Chrome 79) support WebXR. Users can view the VR scene and
user mouse interactions and keyboard interactions.
VR Headset: Users can enter the URL in the browser of the VR headset and view the VR scene.
Users can use controllers to perform interactions.
- login.html
- index.html (website home page)
- functions (Firebase functions/AR server)
- index.js
- ...
- VR-server (Heroku server/VR server)
- index.js
- ...
- public (Firebase hosting/AR & VR client)
- AR (AR scene)
- ARscene.html
- main.js
- scene.js (WebXR with Babylon.js)
- ...
- VR (VR scene)
- VRscene.html
- main.js (WebXR with Babylon.js)
- ...
- AR (AR scene)
AR Meow Meow is a course project for CSE118/218 in UC San Diego, and is developed by Team M. Our team has 5 members and we divided our team roles as follows:
Qinghui (Luna) Xia -- Full Stack Developer: focusing on the client side and website UI. Graduating BS Computer Engineering student.
Yushan Liu -- Game Designer and Front-end Developer focusing on BabylonJS GUI. Yushan is a 1st year MS Computer Science student.
Peizhen Wu -- Full Stack Developer: focusing on the server and Babylon.js GUI. Peizhen is a Computer Science Master student.
Yiran Chen -- Full Stack Developer: focusing on graphics (models and animations). Yiran is a 1st year MS Computer Science student.
Elvis Tran -- Website Developer: focusing on main page. Elvis is a graduating 5th year BS Computer Engineering student.
If you have any questions regarding AR Meow Meow, please feel free to email us. Our email address is [email protected]
Project Proposal:
Midterm Presentation:
Week6 Report:
Week7 Report:
Week8 Report:
Week9 Report:
Final Presentation:
BGMs: ukulele, little idea, cute, smile From