EDA Sim Academy is a simulation game that aims to replicate a bootcamp process at Wellington's Enspiral Development Academy. It's a resource based game that contains quests to stimulate tasks given to students at Enspiral Development Academy.
Backend Repository: https://github.com/Weka2015-Projects/eda-sim-server
Live version: https://enspiral-sim-academy.firebaseapp.com/
React JS for a the view layer.
Redux for state.
Immutable for Immutability.
Koa for CRUD on backend.
Postgres for SQL database and storage.
Firebase used for Frontend hosting and deployment.
Heroku for backend deployment.
Koa-CORS for cross origin resource sharing - currently not working on live version, does work on localhost.
Nilu Kulasingham Github LinkedIn
Irene Robb Github
This project is open source. Feel free to fork it, modify it and implement your own versions. Feel free to submit pull requests on features.
- Figuring out a way to set up CORS that allows the OPTIONS request to be processed.