Hub repo for the project
EDA Sim is thematic resource management game that approximates an exaggerated life of a student at the Enspiral Dev Academy. Players must make strategic choices to maximize their progress, mirroring the strategies you need to take in order to get the most out of the EDA experience.
- [Waffle] (
- [Client] (
- [Server] (
- Database API
- Redux
- Reducer Testing
- React
- React Component
- Testing
- Design
- Git Master
- Code Reviews
- System Design
- Redux
- Immutable.js
- Enzyme
- React
- Enzyme
- Redux
- Webpack
- Project Management
- System Design
- Mentorship
- Task assignment with clear deliverables of discrete modules
- Daily code review for completed modules
- Reviewed Modules as a group
- Pull request with passing tests for Merge
- Reasses learning objectives (Standup)