This repository is essentially an index of other repositories that share qualities that hopefully will become homonogized.
Value Coin is the running name of the end vision which encompasses elements that work from each of these projects, even if only in a conceptual or even spiritual way.
The entire premise of the project is based off of the concept of their being an inherent value to each and everyone.
This value is based off of the community each of us fi ds ourselves in and what we bring to it.
The simplest layer of the project, if it catches on, is the outer ring, just like a social circle you have your acquaintances, your friend group, your real friends, your family and yourself.
In understanding of the complexity of social dynamics we simplify it to 5 layers/levels
- yourself
- closest to you
- friends of friends or friends group
- acquaintances
- strangers
We all start on level 5 of the network and there's built in security to protect us while also benefiting from us (the strangers).
With each layer down there is more possibilities for uniqueness and adoptions to the Protocols.
These adaptations may stay unique or be shared depending on how each user see fit.
Here are some of the projects that seem to have relevance that could be leveraged to create a Decentralization network of connected devices that leverage each other to free ourselves of corporations and governments and truly bring back power to the people.
Etherium Gridcoin BIONIC IPFS Freenet I2P Tor
These projects all have one or more of the following features:
Privacy, community. Cryptocurrency, blockchain, Decentralization, distribution, storage, computing, networks, off the grid, etc.
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