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Config File
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18 revisions
This page contains the configuration structure for HuskSync.
📁 plugins/HuskSync/
- 📄
: General plugin configuration - 📄
: Server ID configuration - 📄
: Plugin locales, formatted in MineDown (see Translations)
# ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
# ┃ HuskSync Config ┃
# ┃ Developed by William278 ┃
# ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
# ┣╸ Information: https://william278.net/project/husksync
# ┣╸ Config Help: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/config-file/
# ┗╸ Documentation: https://william278.net/docs/husksync
# Locale of the default language file to use.
# Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/translations
language: en-gb
# Whether to automatically check for plugin updates on startup
check_for_updates: true
# Specify a common ID for grouping servers running HuskSync. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
cluster_id: ''
# Enable development debug logging
debug_logging: true
# Whether to enable the Player Analytics hook.
# Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/plan-hook
enable_plan_hook: true
# Whether to cancel game event packets directly when handling locked players if ProtocolLib or PacketEvents is installed
cancel_packets: true
# Add HuskSync commands to this list to prevent them from being registered (e.g. ['userdata'])
disabled_commands: []
# Database settings
# Type of database to use (MYSQL, MARIADB, POSTGRES, MONGO)
type: MYSQL
# Specify credentials here for your MYSQL, MARIADB, POSTGRES OR MONGO database
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: minecraft
username: root
password: ''
# Only change this if you're using MARIADB or POSTGRES
parameters: ?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
# MYSQL, MARIADB, POSTGRES database Hikari connection pool properties. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
maximum_pool_size: 10
minimum_idle: 10
maximum_lifetime: 1800000
keepalive_time: 0
connection_timeout: 5000
# Advanced MongoDB settings. Don't modify unless you know what you're doing!
using_atlas: false
parameters: ?retryWrites=true&w=majority&authSource=HuskSync
# Names of tables to use on your database. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
users: husksync_users
user_data: husksync_user_data
# Redis settings
# Specify the credentials of your Redis server here. Set "password" to '' if you don't have one
host: localhost
port: 6379
password: ''
use_ssl: false
# Options for if you're using Redis sentinel. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
# The master set name for the Redis sentinel.
master: ''
# List of host:port pairs
nodes: []
password: ''
# Data syncing settings
# The data synchronization mode to use (LOCKSTEP or DELAY). LOCKSTEP is recommended for most networks.
# Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/sync-modes
# The number of data snapshot backups that should be kept at once per user
max_user_data_snapshots: 16
# Number of hours between new snapshots being saved as backups (Use "0" to backup all snapshots)
snapshot_backup_frequency: 4
# List of save cause IDs for which a snapshot will be automatically pinned (so it won't be rotated).
# Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/data-rotation#save-causes
# Whether to create a snapshot for users on a world when the server saves that world
save_on_world_save: true
# Configuration for how and when to sync player data when they die
# Whether to create a snapshot for users when they die (containing their death drops)
enabled: true
# What items to save in death snapshots? (DROPS or ITEMS_TO_KEEP). Note that ITEMS_TO_KEEP (suggested for keepInventory servers) requires a Paper 1.19.4+ server.
items_to_save: ITEMS_TO_KEEP
# Should a death snapshot still be created even if the items to save on the player's death are empty?
save_empty_items: true
# Whether dead players who log out and log in to a different server should have their items saved.
sync_dead_players_changing_server: true
# Whether to use the snappy data compression algorithm. Keep on unless you know what you're doing
compress_data: true
# Where to display sync notifications (ACTION_BAR, CHAT or NONE)
notification_display_slot: ACTION_BAR
# Persist maps locked in a Cartography Table to let them be viewed on any server
persist_locked_maps: true
# If using the DELAY sync method, how long should this server listen for Redis key data updates before pulling data from the database instead (i.e., if the user did not change servers).
network_latency_milliseconds: 500
# Which data types to synchronize.
# Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/sync-features
inventory: true
ender_chest: true
experience: true
advancements: true
game_mode: true
flight_status: true
potion_effects: true
statistics: true
health: true
hunger: true
attributes: true
persistent_data: true
location: false
# Commands which should be blocked before a player has finished syncing (Use * to block all commands)
- '*'
# Configuration for how to sync attributes
# Which attribute types should be saved as part of attribute syncing. Supports wildcard matching.
# (e.g. ['minecraft:generic.max_health', 'minecraft:generic.*'])
- "minecraft:generic.max_health"
- "minecraft:max_health"
- "minecraft:generic.max_absorption"
- "minecraft:max_absorption"
- "minecraft:generic.luck"
- "minecraft:luck"
- "minecraft:generic.scale"
- "minecraft:scale"
- "minecraft:generic.step_height"
- "minecraft:step_height"
- "minecraft:generic.gravity"
- "minecraft:gravity"
# Which attribute modifiers should not be saved when syncing users. Supports wildcard matching.
# (e.g. ['minecraft:effect.speed', 'minecraft:effect.*'])
ignored_modifiers: ['minecraft:effect.*', 'minecraft:creative_mode_*']
# Event priorities for listeners (HIGHEST, NORMAL, LOWEST). Change if you encounter plugin conflicts
quit_listener: LOWEST
join_listener: LOWEST
death_listener: NORMAL
# ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
# ┃ HuskSync - Server ID ┃
# ┃ Developed by William278 ┃
# ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
# ┣╸ This file should contain the ID of this server as defined in your proxy config.
# ┗╸ If you join it using /server alpha, then set it to 'alpha' (case-sensitive)
name: beta
This documentation is available via william278.net |
- 📚 Setup
- 💾 Database
- ✨ Redis
⚠️ Compatibility- 📄 Config File
- 🔗 Troubleshooting
- 🖥️ Commands
- ✅ Sync Features
- ⚙️ Sync Modes
- ↪️ Data Rotation
- ❓ FAQs
↗️ Legacy Migration- ✨ MPDB Migration
- ☂️ Dumping UserData
- 🟩 Plan Hook
- 📋 Event Priorities
- ⚔️ Keep Inventory
- 🎏 Translations
- 💻 GitHub
- 📂 Buy HuskSync
- 🚰 Spigot
- 🛒 Polymart
- ⚒️ BuiltByBit
- 💬 Discord Support