Run Workflows step by step with inegrated Test Assertions. Test Workflows in BDD style.
Workflow.StartWith("Start step", c => { })
.Then("Continue with step 2", c => { })
.Then("And do step 3", c => { })
using static WorkflowValidation.Tools.WorkflowTools;
StartWith("Start step", c => { })
.Then("Continue with step 2", c => { })
.Then("And do step 3", c => { })
using static WorkflowValidation.Tools.VerificationTools;
using static WorkflowValidation.Tools.StepTools;
using static WorkflowValidation.Tools.WorkflowTools;
Workflow<MyCustomContextType>(ctx =>
StartWith(() =>
SetStep(b => b
.SetName("Start Step")
.Step(() => {
ctx.Message = "Workflow is started";
Verify(b => b
.SetName("Verify something")
.Assert(() => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctx.Message))
SetStep(b => b
.SetName("End Step")
.Step(() => {
ctx.Message = "Workflow is ended";
.Then(() => { })
public class MyCustomContextType
public string Message { get; set; }