Nexter: a single-page webpage for realtors selling luxury homes to practice advanced CSS grid techniques. Udemy course: Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!
Nexter: a single-page webpage for realtors selling luxury homes to practice advanced CSS grid techniques. Udemy course: Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More! This site was built by Julia Wilhelm for Jonas Schmedtmann's online course ADVANCED CSS AND SASS. Copyright © by Jonas Schmedtmann. You are allowed to use this webpage for both personal and commercial use, but NOT to claim it as your own design. A credit to the original author, Jonas Schmedtmann, is of course highly appreciated! 🏠
- Node.js
- Version 1.0
Project is: finished
Created by @wjulia91 - feel free to contact me!