This is a light-weight Dash app using Python and Spark on the backend to asyncronously process large files of PlayStore and AppStore data.
You can get the data files for Google here: (Google-Playstore.csv), and for Apple here: (appleAppData.csv).
First, copy these files into the directory, Mobile_Trends_Using_Spark_and_Dash, then navigate to the same directory in the command line or editor of your choice.
The app consists of three main files:
- (entrypoint)
- (processes data into figures)
- (loads and cleans data files)
The application runs on Python 3.8. It will not run on Python 3.10 without refactoring the Collections library which no longer includes Iterable as of 3.10.
Once in the directory, run these commands in order:
- python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv (unless you already have venv or virtualenv installed); you can also run this without --user
- python3.8 -m venv env
- source env/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python
The app will take five minutes to extract and process the data, and will run locally on
To run tests:
- pytest