Using Binance API to simulate transaction strategies.
Functions include:
- market evaluation
- hold & buy & sell evaluations
- Python
- binance-futures-connector
- Pandas
- Numpy
- talib
pip install binance-futures-connector
First, go to Binance Future testnet to register an API key to access service provide by Binance.
Note that this key and the environment is only for testing, no need to worry about any losses or mistake you make (or money you earn) with this API key.
NOTE: The price and trade are different from the real Binance Future.
Secretly store your API key and Secret Key in .env file.
NOTE: In .env file FUTURE_VIRTUAL_KEY = *******************
FUTURE_VIRTUAL_SECRET = ****************
Now we can start!
First we import required packages
from binance.um_futures import UMFutures
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import time
from enum import Enum
Start a new connection
#create client connection
client = UMFutures(base_url="",
With client, we can fetch data and make transactions
NOTE: Since Binance API has call-limit, we can only fetch 500 data points in one call Define a function to get data we needed with respect to:
- Start time ("2021-01-01")
- End time ("2021-01-01")
- Sep (Interval: "1h", "1m")
- crypto (Symbol: "BTCUSDT")
def fetch_data(
crypto: str,
sep: str,
start_time: str = None,
end_time: str = None,
start_time_int: int = None,
end_time_int: int = None,
# format:
# [
# [
# 0 1499040000000, // Open time /1000 to get real time
# 1 "0.01634790", // Open
# 2 "0.80000000", // High
# 3 "0.01575800", // Low
# 4 "0.01577100", // Close
# 5 "148976.11427815", // Volume
# 6 1499644799999, // Close time
# 7 "2434.19055334", // Quote asset volume
# 8 308, // Number of trades
# 9 "1756.87402397", // Taker buy base asset volume
# 10 "28.46694368", // Taker buy quote asset volume
# "17928899.62484339" // Ignore.
# ]
# ]
data_list = []
#fetch with string date
if start_time and end_time:
start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
#fetch with timestamp
elif start_time_int and end_time_int:
start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time_int)
end = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(end_time_int)
cur_start = start
# Data sep by hours
if sep[-1] == "h":
limit = 500 // (24 // int(sep[:-1]))
while cur_start + datetime.timedelta(days=limit) <= end:
cur_end = cur_start + datetime.timedelta(days=limit)
cur_start_stamp = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(cur_start) * 1000)
cur_end_stamp = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(cur_end) * 1000 - 1)
data = client.klines(crypto, sep, startTime=cur_start_stamp, endTime=cur_end_stamp)
data_list += data
cur_start = cur_end
time.sleep(0.1) #prevent limit error
# Data sep by minutes
elif sep[-1] == "m":
limit = 500 // (60 // int(sep[:-1]))
while cur_start + datetime.timedelta(hours=limit) <= end:
cur_end = cur_start + datetime.timedelta(hours=limit)
cur_start_stamp = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(cur_start) * 1000)
cur_end_stamp = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(cur_end) * 1000 - 1)
data = client.klines(crypto, sep, startTime=cur_start_stamp, endTime=cur_end_stamp)
data_list += data
cur_start = cur_end
time.sleep(0.6) #prevent limit error
# Pick up rest data
if cur_start < end:
cur_start_stamp = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(cur_start) * 1000)
cur_end_stamp = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(end) * 1000 - 1)
data = client.klines(crypto, sep, startTime=cur_start_stamp, endTime=cur_end_stamp)
data_list += data
# log
"---------DATA INFO---------\n",
f"Fetch Data: {crypto}\n",
f"Data Start from: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data_list[0][0]/1000)}\n",
f"Data End at: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data_list[-1][6]/1000)}\n",
f"Sep. Interval: {sep}",
return data_list
Now we create a object that will loop through all the data point and store corresponding info
The market data will be fed to bot.
- market_data (data fectched by function above)
- bot (we will cover later)
- info_out (path storing info)
class market_sim:
def __init__(self, market_data: list, bot, info_out, time_sep):
self.market_data = market_data = bot
self.time_sep = time_sep
self.cur = 0
self.market_history = pd.DataFrame(
"open time",
"close time",
"open price",
"close price",
self.info_out = info_out
def _write_info(
with open(os.path.join(self.info_out, "info.txt"), "w") as f:
+ f"Crypto: {}\n"
+ f"Simulation time: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.market_data[0][0]/1000)} - {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.market_data[-1][6]/1000)}\n"
+ f"Time Interval: {self.time_sep}\n"
+ f"Strategy: {}\n"
+ f"Start Balance: {}\n"
+ f"Leverage: {}\n"
+ f"Invest Ratio: {}\n"
+ f"TRX FEE Ratio: {}\n"
+ f"Stop Loss Ratio: {}\n"
+ f"Stop Profit Ratio: {}\n"
def start(self):
# loop through data point
for data in self.market_data:
action = # get action
if action == Status.BUY:
self._fill_df(data, "BUY")
elif action == Status.SELL:
self._fill_df(data, "SELL")
def _fill_df(self, data, action=None):
# Fill info into dataframe
self.market_history.loc[len(self.market_history)] = [
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data[0] / 1000),
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data[6] / 1000),
"RED" if float(data[4]) <= float(data[1]) else "GREEN",
Here we create some useful enum objects
class Status(Enum):
SELL = 1
BUY = 2
class Stop_status(Enum):
LOSS = 0
class market_status(Enum):
LONG = 1
NONE = 2
Strategy is the core of a trading bot
It will tell the bot when to place or liquidate an order
There are three main function that will be called by the bot:
- eval_market (return None) (this function will eval the market and update the status based on strategy)
- eval_hold (return None or Status(Enum)) (Status.BUY to place long order, Status.SELL to place short order)
- eval_cross (return Bool) (True to cross the order else Flase)
- change_status (return None) (Change the current status to OBSERVEING when the order is crossed by TP/SL)
Assume that we want to place an order every n klines with same color.
That is:
- Place a short order after n Red klines
- Place a long order after n Green klines
Then we immediately cross the order when the n+1th kline closed.
For example, with 1 hour data interval, at 1:59PM, 2:59PM and 3:59PM the klines were all red, thus we place a SHORT order at 4:00PM,
then we cross the order at 4:59PM.
Below is the code that fulfill the requirements
- decision_time (oberve n klines before action)
- limit_hold_time (hold the order for how long)
class interval_than_make_one:
def __init__(self, decision_time, limit_hold_time):
self.status = Status.OBSERVING
self.observed_time = 0
self.limit_hold_time = limit_hold_time = f"Observe_{decision_time}_and_hold_{limit_hold_time}"
def eval_market(self, data):
open_price = float(data[1])
closed_price = float(data[4])
if open_price >= closed_price and self.status == Status.SELL:
self.observed_time += 1
elif open_price >= closed_price and self.status != Status.SELL:
self.status = Status.SELL
self.observed_time = 1
elif open_price < closed_price and self.status == Status.BUY:
self.observed_time += 1
elif open_price < closed_price and self.status != Status.BUY:
self.status = Status.BUY
self.observed_time = 1
def eval_hold(self,):
if self.observed_time >= self.decision_time and self.status != Status.OBSERVING:
self.observed_time = 0
return self.status
return None
def eval_cross(self, order):
if order["hold_time"] >= self.limit_hold_time:
return True
return False
def change_status(self, status: Status):
self.status = status
self.observed_time = 0
After defining the rule(strategy) that the bot needs to follow, lets see how bot do the transaction.
The bot will first evaluate the new market data, then check previous orders if needed to be cross, and then see whether to place a new order.
For this example, we set our bot to evaluate the market every one hour.
That is:
- Using 1 hour klines as data point (for example: 2:00 - 2:59)
- Bot will do those above actions every 1 hour (start at 3:00 then sleep for 1 hour)
Since we simulate on history data there is no need to sleep.
The Bot work in three step:
- Evaluates the market data (strategy.eval_hold)
- Check the status of existing orders (if needed to be crossed or already cross by TP/SL) (strategy.eval_cros)
- New order or not (strategy.eval_hold)
When the bot call strategy.eval_hold and get the signal Status.BUY or Status.SELL, the bot will open an order and store info of that order.
When there is an existing order and strategy.eval_cross return True, the order will be crossed and the profit will be calculated.
Take profit and stop loss is important when trading.
This bot can also simulate the TP/SL with resolution of 1 min.
There is only one public function in bot that will be called by market_sim
- eval() return Status
** Code in repo **
To simulate and test the strategy, we need three components.
- market_sim
- TradingBot_v3_sim
- strategy
First fetch the market data, then we define the strategy and finially we set up the trading bot.
def SIM(client: UMFutures, crypto, start, end, time_sep, bot_strategy, stop_loss = None, stop_profit = None, sim_profit_loss = False, sim_interval = "1m", market_from_csv=False, sim_from_csv=True):
# Fetch market data
if not market_from_csv:
data_list = fetch_data(client, crypto, time_sep, start, end)
data_list = fetch_data_from_csv("PATH/DATA/POINT", start, end)
#set up bot
strategy_name =
bot = TradingBot_v3_sim(client, crypto, bot_strategy, leverage=1, balance=1000000,invest_ratio=0.95, stop_loss_ratio=stop_loss, sim_stop_profit_loss = sim_profit_loss, sim_stop_interval=sim_interval, stop_profit_ratio=stop_profit, simulate_from_csv=sim_from_csv)
#set output pth
OUTPUT_pth = os.path.join(f"sim output/{crypto}/", strategy_name)
file_name_base = start + "_" + end + "_"
OUTPUT_pth = os.path.join(OUTPUT_pth, file_name_base)
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_pth):
#set market
market_1 = market_sim(data_list, bot, OUTPUT_pth, market_from_csv)
# save report
if hasattr(bot_strategy, "history"):
if __name__ == "main":
true_client = UMFutures(key=os.getenv("TRUE_KEY"), secret=os.getenv("TRUE_SECRET"))
bot_strategy = interval_than_make_one(3,1)
The simulation will generate 4 files
- info.txt
- market_history.csv
- strategy_history.csv
- trade_history.csv
Info will store the information of this simulation.
Market history contains the information of each kline.
Strategy history will record every evalution your strategy done.
Trade history contains all the transaction the trading bot done.