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Linux CLI configuration file reference

Jason Xu edited this page Dec 9, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page describes the configuration file for the Linux CLI builds. The configuration file is located at ~/.config/Windscribe/windscribe_cli.conf.


This section contains settings relating to the general operation of the client.

Name Default Allowed values Description Comments
Language (system language) ar, cs, de, en, es, fa, fr, hi, id, it, ja, ko, pl, pt, ru, tr, uk, vi, zh-CN, zh-TW Displayed language for CLI (does not affect 'help')
LaunchOnStartup true true, false If true, the service is launched when the current user logs in. If you want to make Windscribe launch at boot instead, you should enable linger on your user with loginctl enable-linger <username>
UpdateChannel Release Release, Beta, Guinea Pig Choose whether to receive stable, beta, or experimental builds.


This section contains advanced settings. You should not be touching these unless instructed by our support team.

Name Default Allowed values Description Comments
APIResolutionAddress - Alternate IP address to use for the app to contact the Windscribe API.
APIResolutionMode Auto Auto, Manual Set to manual for the above APIResolutionAddress to take effect.
DNSManager Auto Auto, Resolvconf, Systemd-resolved, NetworkManager Sets the underlying DNS manager on your system.
DNSPolicy Cloudflare OS Default, Open DNS, Cloudflare, Google, ControlD Sets the app internal DNS server
IgnoreSSLErrors false true, false Sets whether to ignore certificate errors.


This section contains network-specific settings.

Name Default Allowed values Description Comments
AllowLANTraffic false true, false If true, allows traffic to RFC 1918 networks and link-local addresses while connected to VPN.
Autoconnect false true, false If true, connects automatically when on a Secured network.
AutosecureNetworks true true, false If true, when joining a new network, it is marked Secured by default.
CircumventCensorship false true, false If true, attempts to bypass restrictions on hostile networks.
ConnectedDNSMode Auto Auto, Manual If 'Auto', use ROBERT for DNS after connecting VPN. If Manual, configure below.
ConnectedDNSUpstream1 IP address or URL If ConnectedDNSMode is manual, this DNS server is used when connected to VPN. You must set ConnectDNSMode=Manual for this to take effect.
ConnectedDNSUpstream2 IP address or URL This DNS server is used for SplitDNS. See SplitDNS. You must set ConnectDNSMode=Manual and SplitDNS=true for this to take effect.
ConnectionMode Auto Auto, Manual If Manual, specify which protocol/port to use with ManualConnectionProtocol and ManualConnectionPort.
FirewallMode Auto Auto, Manual, Always On If Auto, enabled when specified by FirewallWhen. If Manual, you must turn it on and off yourself.
FirewallWhen Before Connection Before Connection, After Connection Specifies when to turn the firewall on.
MACAddressSpoofingAddress aabbccddeeff or AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF The MAC address to spoof to. You must set MACAddressSpoofingEnabled=true and MACAddressSpoofingInterface to the desired interface. You must set MACAddressSpoofingEnabled for this to take effect. This will be overridden if MACAddressSpoofingAutoRotate is true.
MACAddressSpoofingAutoRotate false true, false If true, changes the MAC address every time you connect to a network. You must set MACAddressSpoofingEnabled for this to take effect.
MACAddressSpoofingEnabled false true, false If true, spoofs the MAC address specified on MACAddressSpoofingInterface
MACAddressSpoofingInterface No Interface No Interface, The network interface name on which to spoof. You must set MACAddressSpoofingEnabled for this to take effect.
ManualConnectionPort 443 IKEv2: 500; UDP: 443, 80, 53, 123, 1194, 54783; TCP: 443, 587, 21, 22, 80, 123, 3306, 8080, 54783, 1194; Stealth: 443, 587, 21, 22, 80, 123, 3306, 8080, 54783, 8443; WStunnel: 443; WireGuard: 443, 80, 53, 123, 1194, 65142 The port to connect to. Note that these are typical allowed ports, but may vary. We recommend you stick with 443. You must set ConnectionMode=Manual for this to take effect.
ManualConnectionProtocol WireGuard WireGuard, UDP, TCP, Stealth, WStunnel The protocol to connect with. You must set ConnectionMode=Manual for this to take effect.
PacketSizeMTU -1 28 - 65535 Sets the custom MTU packets. Only affects UDP protocols. You must set PacketSizeMode=Manual for this to take effect.
PacketSizeMode Auto Auto, Manual Set this to Manual to make PacketSizeMTU take effect.
ProxyAddress - If you have a LAN proxy, set it here. You must set ProxyMode=HTTP for this to take effect.
ProxyMode None None, HTTP If set to HTTP, enables LAN proxy functionality.
ProxyPassword Your proxy password, if any
ProxyPort 0 0 - 65535 Your LAN proxy port.
ProxyUsername Your LAN proxy username, if any.
ShareProxyGatewayEnabled false true, false If true, enables a proxy server to share your connection.
ShareProxyGatewayMode HTTP HTTP, SOCKS Sets the mode for the proxy. You must set ShareProxyGatewayEnabled=true for this to take effect.
ShareProxyGatewayPort 0 0 - 65535 Port for the proxy to start on. A value of 0 means 'let Windscribe choose'. You must set ShareProxyGatewayEnabled=true for this to take effect.
ShareProxyGatewayWhileConnected false true, false If true, the proxy is only enabled when VPN is connected, to ensure that all proxied traffic goes out via VPN. You must set ShareProxyGatewayEnabled=true for this to take effect.
SplitDNS false true, false If true, allows you to use a different DNS server for some domains. Specify the domains in SplitDNSHostnames.
SplitDNSHostnames (domains) See above. You must set ConnectDNSMode=Manual and SplitDNS=true for this to take effect.
SplitTunnelingApps (comma-separated list of paths) Executables to split-tunnel. You must have SplitTunnelingEnabled=true for this to take effect.
SplitTunnelingEnabled false true, false Enables split-tunneling. Specify apps or IPs/domains with SplitTunnelingApps and SplitTunnelingRoutes
SplitTunnelingMode Exclude Exclude, Include If exclusive, everything will be in the tunnel except apps/routes you specify. If inclusive, everything will be outside the tunnel except apps/routes you specify.
SplitTunnelingRoutes (comma-separated list of IPs or hostnames) Specify IPs and/or hostnames to split tunnel. IPs may be in CIDR format. You must set SplitTunnelingEnabled=true for this to take effect.


This section contains network-specific settings.

Name Default Allowed values Description Comments
\NetworkTrustType Depends on Autosecure Networks Secured, Unsecured Network-specific setting; Secured means Autoconnect will take effect on this network. Unsecured means Windscribe will automatically disconnect when on this network.
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