this is server side implementation for mmcupdater
Currently, it doesn't work
- (ui) implement nav bar & mobile nav
- (ui) allow custom theme
- implement api & ui for instance
- implement api & ui for java
- implement api & ui for mod
- integrate curseforge api
- improve cli
- support protocol
- rework db cache
- rework db usage
- rework mod scanning code
- rework eval & process handling
- resource check before launch (e.g. available memory)
- one-click proxy [backend, api, ui] to do automatic configuration & routing
- improve configuration in file
- if all ui stuff size <5MiB pack it into binary
- hot-swap instance (add & remove from file system on the fly)
- move proxy impl to pedestal
- websocket support (maybe grpc instead) / event sourcing
- remove unused code (fix all warning)
- remove duplicate code
- implement docs for ui
- multiple-node support (executable itself can run as client or server mode)
- fast file transfer between nodes
- (ui) node manager