NOTICE: With the release of text channels in voice channels, any version of discord.js older than v13.8.0 will crash upon creating. I am aware of this and do plan on updating the code to to prevent the crashes..
A custom discord bot providing functionality for interacting with FiveM & Discord servers.
- Updated & Edited by TheONLYGod1
- Please make sure you Google your errors before joining the support server. I don't have time to help you setup the bot. Google is your friend make use of it.... stack overflow is very handy!
- The FiveM Queue script that was included the original repository is no longer needed to run this project
- If you are unable to get the bot to query your server please make sure you check that the IP address and port for you server are correct in the config.json file before asking for support
- Also make sure your firewall on your host isn't blocking inbound connections
- If you get an error in console saying
(node:121108) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: fields.flat is not a function
you'll need to update your Node.js version. I have provided a link-to that explains how to update your Node.js version here - If you get an error in console saying
! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
you'll need to make sure both your NPM & Node.js is on the latest version. I have provided a link-to that explains how to update your NPM version here and Node.js version here
- Open and sign in
- Click the button that says
'New Application'
in the top right hand corner of the page - Enter a name for your bot
- In the menu on the left side of the page click
then click'Add Bot'
- If you don't want random users to invite your bot, uncheck the feature that says
'Public Bot'
on the bot page
- If you don't want random users to invite your bot, uncheck the feature that says
- Your new bot's token will display under the name field and you can click
to copy the token to your clipboard
- Open and sign in
- In the menu on the left side of the page make sure you are on
'General Information'
- Locate the
and click copy - With the ID you just copied insert it into the URL below where
is; then open the link
- Add the included fivemqueue script to your server resources
- Start the fivemqueue in your
- Set enviroment variables as described below in a
Variables | Description | Required? |
URL_SERVER | Base URL for the FiveM server e.g. (don't end with /) | Yes |
SERVER_NAME | The name of your FiveM server | Yes |
SERVER_LOGO | A logo for your FiveM server | No |
EMBED_COLOR | Color of the status embed | Yes |
PERMISSION | Permission needed to set the server status +status |
Yes |
LOG_LEVEL | Number 0-4 specifying level of logs 4 = No Logs | Yes |
BOT_TOKEN | Discord bot token | Yes |
CHANNEL_ID | Channel ID that will be used for updates to be pushed to | Yes |
MESSAGE_ID | Message ID of previous update to edit | No |
SUGGESTION_CHANNEL | Channel that will create suggestion embeds in | Yes |
BUG_CHANNEL | Channel that will recieve bug reports | Yes |
BUG_LOG_CHANNEL | Channel that will log bug reports | Yes |
LOG_CHANNEL | Channel that will log status changes | Yes |
RESTART_TIMES | Will display restart times for the server | Yes |
"SERVER_NAME": "BaySide RP",
"EMBED_COLOR": "#b434eb",
"LOG_LEVEL": "2",
"CHANNEL_ID": "617873518960574464",
"MESSAGE_ID": "828635715121840178",
"SUGGESTION_CHANNEL": "617873319609368669",
"BUG_CHANNEL": "617873444238786617",
"BUG_LOG_CHANNEL": "657070256925442058",
"LOG_CHANNEL": "617873550648279051",
"RESTART_TIMES": "12am, 1pm, 3pm"
Permission | Description |
ADMINISTRATOR | Implicitly has all permissions, and bypasses all channel overwrites |
CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE | Create invitations to the guild |
KICK_MEMBERS | Allows kicking members |
BAN_MEMBERS | Allows banning members |
MANAGE_CHANNELS | Edit and reorder channels |
MANAGE_GUILD | Edit the guild information, region, etc. |
ADD_REACTIONS | Add new reactions to messages |
VIEW_AUDIT_LOG | Allows for viewing of audit logs |
PRIORITY_SPEAKER | Allows for using priority speaker in a voice channel |
STREAM | Allows the user to go live |
VIEW_CHANNEL | Allows guild members to view a channel, which includes reading messages in text channels |
SEND_MESSAGES | Allows for sending messages in a channel |
SEND_TTS_MESSAGES | Allows for sending of /tts messages |
MANAGE_MESSAGES | Delete messages and reactions |
EMBED_LINKS | Links posted will have a preview embedded |
ATTACH_FILES | Allows for uploading images and files |
READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY | View messages that were posted prior to opening Discord |
MENTION_EVERYONE | Allows for using the @everyone tag to notify all users in a channel, and the @here tag to notify all online users in a channel |
USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS | Use emojis from different guilds |
VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTS | Allows for viewing guild insights |
CONNECT | Connect to a voice channel |
SPEAK | Speak in a voice channel |
MUTE_MEMBERS | Mute members across all voice channels |
DEAFEN_MEMBERS | Deafen members across all voice channels |
MOVE_MEMBERS | Move members between voice channels |
USE_VAD | Use voice activity detection |
CHANGE_NICKNAME | Allows for modification of own nickname |
MANAGE_NICKNAMES | Change other members' nicknames |
MANAGE_ROLES | Allows management and editing of roles |
MANAGE_WEBHOOKS | Allows management and editing of webhooks |
MANAGE_EMOJIS | Allows management and editing of emojis |
Make sure you are in the directory where the bot files are located before running the following commands!
Way #1 | Way #2ㅤ |
1. npm i |
1. npm install |
2. npm start |
2. node ./index.js |
Command | Description |
+status <Message> |
Adds a warning message to the server status embed |
+status clear |
Clears the warning message |
+help |
Displays the bots commands |
Name | URLS | Other |
Sky | | | God's Groove |
Roque | | |
Douile | | |
Drazero | | |
Queue script | |