Implement <> in JavaScript (with editor)
============= Examples
0 home 10 print a + 1 15 input a 20 print a + 1
0 home 1 GOTO 9 2 print "this should never appear" 3 print "a" 4 GOSUB 14 5 print "d" 6 RETURN 8 end 9 print "hi" 10 GOSUB 3 11 print "end" 12 end 14 print "b" 15 POP 16 print "c" 17 RETURN
0 home 1 FOR i = 0 to 5 2 for j = 1 to 2 3 print i " - " j 4 next
0 home 1 def fn a(b) = ABS(b + 1) 2 for i = 0 to 3 3 input c 4 print fn a(c) 5 next
0 home 1 input "write 1"; a 2 if a <> 1 goto 5 3 print "thanks" 4 end 5 print "you didn't wrote 1"
'HTAB' 'VTAB' 'COLOR=' 'HCOLOR=' 'SPEED=' 'CALL' 'PR#' 'INVERSE' 'FLASH' 'NORMAL' 'TEXT' 'GR' 'HGR' 'HGR2' "PDL" "POS" "SCRN" "HSCRN" "FRE" 'RESTORE' "PEEK" 'Poke' 'Read' 'Data' 'HPlot' 'VLin' 'HLin' 'Plot' 'Get' 'Dim' "USR" 'ROT=' 'SCALE=' 'Draw' 'XDRaw' 'CONT' 'DEL' 'List' 'NEW' 'Run' 'HIMEM:' 'IN#' 'LOMEM:' 'Wait' 'LOAD' 'RECALL' 'SAVE' 'STORE' 'SHLOAD'